Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolution

Here it is, the morning of the last day of the year...and I have yet to come up with a solid New Year's Resolution. I find myself questioning the whole idea of a 'New Year's Resolution'. What is it for? Is it an opportunity to 'start over'? Or do people make these annual resolutions just to feel better about themselves, knowing that they have 'set goals' for themselves to become better people? Now I'm wondering how many New Year's resolutions truly fail...

I researched this, and according to the University of Scranton's Journal of Clinical Psychology, published December 13, 2013, the top New Year's resolutions are:

1. Lose weight
2. Getting organized
3. Spend less, save more
(Click those dots to see the webpage)

Looking over the top 10, I can remember trying at least 7 of them (I don't smoke, so that's out, and I've never set a 'goal' to fall in love).

Scroll down, and you'll see that only 8% of people who make New Year's resolutions are truly sucessful. 49% of people setting New Year's resolutions have 'infrequent success', and nearly one quarter (24%) of people who set New Year's resolutions never succeed.

I can honestly tell you that I am in that 24% who never succeed. Many years, I set lofty goals: lose 100 lbs, become a better person (yeah, that makes sense), get organized, save money, etc...I have a rough time following ANY New Year's resolutions!

This is why I abhor this time of year. Now people want to know: what are you going to focus on bettering in your life? My answer: I don't know! There is so much in my life I want to better!

After this rant (thanks for listening), I don't know if I have a specific New Year's resolution in mind..Here is a general New Year's resolution:

My goal is to lose 50 lbs. by January 1st, 2015. That means I should be 380 lbs. by 1/1/15. That's approximately 1 lb. a week.

This might not be specific, but it doesn't need to be; my weekly goals during the year are more specific for me, and I will use those to strive toward my New Year's resolution of -50 lbs.

Good luck on your New Year's resolutions!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Motivation Monday

Happy Monday! 2 busy weeks ahead of me, but I will continue to blog as much as I can.

My motivational quote of the week is:

~Love yourself for who you are right now~

This couldn't be more true for what I'm going through now... I am a self-deprecating person with very low self-esteem. One important lesson I need to learn is that no matter my weight, my situation in life, or my personal struggles I go through, I need to start being nicer to myself. I'm tired of putting myself down, whether it be for laughs or just because I feel awful. I need to learn to love and respect myself for who I am. 

Have a good week!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Goal Sunday and Happy December!

Happy Sunday and happy December! Hope you are ready, or preparing for, a wonderful holiday season. I have already started decorating my room, but that is about it. In past years, my family has already had cookie doughs prepared and decorations down from the attic. This year is much different. The whole family has been very busy and we have not had much time to focus on Christmas. However, we always find a way to be ready for Christmas, no matter our schedule. It's Christmas, after all!

So, if you can see a pattern in my past few months of blogs, I haven't blogged much. Or...as much as I would like to. I can honestly say that I really fell off the bandwagon. Bad. I guess that means I have to just pick myself up and start over, doesn't it? It does.

So. I guess my new starting weight is...430 lbs.

But good news. I was really mad when I saw that number. Like furious. I didn't want that in my life. Out of the blue, I started making better food choices, both at home and in restaurants. I got back into SOMEWHAT of a routine of going to the gym. And BAM. Like that, in 2 weeks, I dropped 5.8 lbs.

Which means I am already down to 424.2 lbs!!!!

I am gonna knock this weight off! This is good motivation!

"New" goal this week is the same as always:

Give up one fast-food meal/frozen mocha per week
Start: 4 meals/mochas
Goal: 3 meals/mochas

Lastly, this is my 100th post!! It only took me nearly 2 years...oh well. Here's to 100 more!
Enjoy the happy holiday season!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

New Goal Sunday

Catching up on a week's worth of falling off the wagon is hard work. I didn't go to the gym much this past week, nor did I do well on my goal. But, on a positive note, I did better than the previous week on my goal.

I've gotten sick--like, really sick--and I'm feeling lazy and sluggish. I thought at first it was a nasty cold or upper respiratory infection, like Bro and Mom had, but I had slightly different symptoms. A few days ago, I started getting a stuffy nose (worse than usual). The next day, I woke up, and my voice was not doing well...perfect, because that night, I had to lead a choir rehearsal. Flash forward to today, and it is not going well. My voice is almost gone (comes and goes in spurts, and when it is there, it is super low), my nose is stuffed, my whole body aches, I can't sleep at night, and I am constantly hot/cold (both at the same time, like my hands will be ice, but my face will look flushed and feel like I'm on fire).

My goal this week is:

Give up one fast-food/frozen mocha a week
Start: 4 meals/mochas
GOAL: 3 meals/mochas 
DATES: 11/17-11/23

This week is one of my busiest before Christmas. It includes 3 day rehearsals and 1 night rehearsal at the school where I accompany the choirs, 2 piano lessons, a concert for the choirs I accompany, and a church choir rehearsal. It doesn't seem like much when I write it but I just know I'll be whooped come Saturday night. 

Oh well...as I always say, it's better to be busy--it makes the time go by faster.

Have a good week!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Motivation Monday

I thought I would incorporate a little motivation into my blog. This is a new segment: Motivation Monday, where I post a quote I find inspirational in my life.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
-Calvin Coolidge

I had a good start to my day by NOT getting a frozen mocha (saving 570 cals, 94 g carbs, and 78 g sugar) and instead starting my day off with a silk vanilla almond milk (only 30 cals, 1 g carbs, and 0 g sugar). This is such a good alternative for me, not only because of the incredible contrast in nutrition information, but also because of my lactose issue.

When I was very little, I would often be sick (physically). My parents never knew the meaning of my illness until taking me to a doctor, where they found out I was lactose-intolerant. As the years pass, my lactose intolerance comes and goes. Every few years, it changes--some years, lactose-intolerant, others, not.

I could never truly verbalize HOW dairy products felt in my stomach or going down my throat because a) I was too young to understand, and b) I never thought about it before. Recently, I was talking with Mom about it and realized the problem:

When I drink milk, or eat ice cream, anything with dairy in it, (some) yogurts, etc...the dairy feels like it coats my throat...almost like my throat is swelling up. Swallowing becomes difficult. Mom was glad I was finally able to explain it. 

Ok, back to the almond milk story. I am a huge fan of trying new things, so I have decided to try new organic foods. I only try one every few months because of the cost. Last month, Silk almond milk was on sale for $1.00/carton. I bought one carton of dark chocolate milk. It was DELICIOUS!! So chocolate-y and yummy. But the best part of the milk was that it went very smoothly down my throat. It didn't coat it at all and I was able to drink the whole carton and still swallow. This was a great discovery! This month, I bought one dark chocolate almond milk and one vanilla. While the vanilla is not as good as the chocolate, I would still drink it over regular dairy any day.

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

New Goal Sunday & Happy Memories

Time for another goal. After last week's success, I am ready to go further!

Give up one fast-food meal (and frozen mocha), one per week
Start: 4 meals/mochas
11/10-11/16 goal: 3 meals/mochas

My long-term goal is to reach 1 fast-food meal/frozen mocha per week. 

I am a negative person, and noticed that I usually am on the blog writing about how I failed, or feel crappy...but I feel the need to post this positivity that happened Friday and yesterday.

Friday morning was awful for me. I had no motivation to go to work and was in a terrible mood. I eventually dragged myself into the car and got going. Fortunately, my dad is a business genius, so he was able to get a really good deal on Sirius XM for the past 3 years, so I still have Sirius XM in the car. I turned on the radio to "On Broadway", and immediately became grumbly.

"I don't know any of these stupid new musicals. Why do they keep making them? There's too much crap out there now." 

The song ends, and on comes "Corner of the Sky" from Pippin. I smiled and got teary-eyed. This song has such special meaning to me. This is a song that my cooperating teacher and I taught to the 6th (? I think) graders while I was student teaching. The students and I loved that song! 

All of a sudden, all of the good memories of student teaching came flooding back. The conversations with my cooperating teachers, the fun students I met and got to know, the events I attended, the memories I made with the students and teachers--all good memories.

I belted the song out at the top of my lungs all the way to school. While the day turned out awful (ending in sickness :( ), I had that song in the back of my head all day. 

Then yesterday, I woke up and could not get that song out of my head! I sang it aloud all day long and had a smile on my face all day.

Remembering great times in your life can be very helpful in shaping your day!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Here I am!

I am back! Finally, after a long blogging hiatus, I am ready to jump back into my journey.

The school year has started and is in full swing. What do I do during the school year? Here's a glimpse:

--substitute teach at my hometown school district (except for the K-2 levels; I just don't feel ready for those ages just yet)

--accompany the choirs at another local school district every third day and everyday as concerts near

--teach private piano lessons to 3 students; 2 at my home, 1 at the school I accompany (during the lunch hour; this student knows how to play the piano, I am just working on helping this student read music)

--play organ/keyboard, accompany the choir, and rehearse with/direct the choir at a local church every Sunday, with choir rehearsal every Wednesday night and a team meeting with some members of the church once a month before the choir rehearsal

I have been subbing quite a bit, and I have found that the school that fits me best is the elementary (or "intermediate" 3-5) school. My days, nights, and weekends are full, so right now, I am trying to find a consistent time to go to the gym.

My goal this week was to cut back to 4 frozen mochas and 4 fast-food meals a week. And guess what: I DID IT!!!  It has taken me weeks to succeed at this goal, mainly because I have felt lately like I need my coffee drink everyday to survive.

Since I finally completed my goal, I wanted to reward myself. When I started this journey, I would always reward myself with food. But that doesn't make sense, since I'm trying to LOSE weight and feeding myself more is wrong. Instead, I chose one of my favorite stores as a reward--ULTA.

I love that store. I used to go once a week to buy something new. After a few months, I realized just how much money I wasted in that store. It got pretty bad.

It took me nearly a month, but I finally get to go to ULTA!! I am so excited!!

Check back for a new goal next week.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Update/New Goal Sunday

Here's an update on my progress so far:

Progress is at a standstill. I know I've even fallen off the track for about a month. My gym membership expired at the beginning of August and I didn't renew it until about half a week ago. I've just begun going back 2 times a week.

I know I've gained weight (definitely gained weight), but everyday can be a fresh start. Tonight, I am going to set up a schedule for: 

gym/practicing (piano, organ, & flute)/school/subbing/lessons/housework

My goals have completely fallen by the wayside. So, let's start over, eh?

Give up one fast-food meal per week--eat total of 6 meals out

I ate out a lot this week...especially because we are running out of food in the house to eat! Thank goodness tomorrow is payday/shopping day. If I stop and think about it, I realized that I ate out once every day last week!! So my goal this week is to eat 1 whole day at home. If I eat more at home (more than 1 whole day at home), then good for me!

Also, I plan on tracking my goals and their progressions this time, because while I feel that I can meet the goals, I also feel that if I don't track them, I don't need to think about what I do or focus on reaching those goals.

Have a great week!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Measuring Monday?

Today WOULD be measuring Monday, except I haven't taken measurements, and I am now getting ready for bed. Bed? At 9:26, Morgan? Why so early? This day has been a whirlwind of craziness, and I am beat. Also, tomorrow, I am getting up super early, and here's why:

All week, Mom has been pushing Bro and I to make letters (similar to cover letters for jobs) to send to all of the principals, assistant principals, and secretaries in the school district where we work. I have not done much until today, the first day of school. This morning, I was up at 7, went to the gym, got back, worked on/printed/signed 10 letters and resumes, filed each in envelopes, stuck a return address on each, and organized them by building. The reason for all this: The person who usually calls us (Mom, Bro, and I) had some job responsibilities cut, including calling all substitutes. Now, each building principal must call their own building's subs as needed. We made these envelopes and handed them to each building principal, assistant principal, and secretaries so that they knew we were available and had our phone numbers.

It was a long, grueling task. We started around 8 and didn't finish until 1:45. After that, we went to a local pizza place for lunch. One hour later, as we were enjoying pizza, Mom gets a call from the high school. They already need a sub for two days this week. Bro takes one, Mom takes the other. As we are heading out the door, she gets another call. 4 days for another teacher this week. I take two, Bro takes one, Mom takes one.

Holy cannoli. This is going to be a busy year. In a good way, of course.

On to weight loss information.

I've been having some major setbacks lately, but I'm not as frustrated as I thought I would be. I think it's because I truly see how much certain foods and drinks impact my weight, I see what changes I can make, and I see the results of those changes.

I took a quiz from Sparkpeople called, "Are You Prepared to Reach Your Goals?" My results:

I am prepared to reach my goals, but I could make improvements, such as tracking progress. I seem to not be able to keep track of any of my goals for more than one day here and there. Now, I set aside time (like this) at nighttime to read over and check off any goals that I achieve. This has actually been really successful! Here's hoping for a good--albeit busy--week!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Moonville, Tribe, and PC...phew!

What can I say about my absence on this blog? I have been keeping busy with last-minute “summer vacations”, preparing for school, keeping busy with lessons, and church. 

Since I have been gone so long, I feel like I should update you with what I have been doing in my life. I'll start with Moonville.

The last time Dad and I took a road trip, I was a senior in high school (5 years ago). I decided it was time for another, but this time we would go to an abandoned town. Here is the history I have found so far:

Moonville was an industrial town in Southeast Ohio where The Cincinnati-Marietta railroad trains ran through. After the Cincinnati-Marietta Railroad company merged with another Baltimore company, train traffic still went through, just not as much. In the 1980s, trains stopped running through Moonville completely. Today, the town is almost completely empty, save for 2 houses Dad and I saw. The tunnel still sits there. Some railroad track is still visible, but much of it is overgrown or broken into pieces. Some of the ghost stories for the tunnel include:

1.) A brakeman was “drunk” and fell off the train. The train crushed his legs and he died before amputation could be done.
2.) A headless conductor walks the tunnel with a lantern, searching for his train (the light has been seen by college students who were exploring; one ran down to see who was carrying it and came running out screaming that no one was there...however, these students were drinking).
3.) An old woman was killed while walking near the track. They say whenever you smell lavender, she is walking near you.

The trip took us 6 hours. Dad and I left town around 9:30 a.m. We stopped at a Skyline Chili near Columbus, then continued down to Logan. As we reached Logan, we started driving into very rural, somewhat poor neighborhoods. We had reached “Appalachia”, where Moonville was.

From what I saw online, and from our Google Maps, we should run right into the tunnel. We drove through 10 minutes of paved road, with mountain on one side and deep ravine on the other. After 10 minutes, the road became unpaved. After 30 minutes of driving through paved and unpaved roads, Dad and I were nervous.  We stopped at a new house being built and asked for directions.

We drove back to a parking lot and parked. Only 300 feet of woodsy trail separated us from ghosts!

We found the trail. It was COVERED with poison ivy, brier, and poison oak. With branches jutting out onto the trail, Dad and I held up our arms and sidled through the entire way. On top of that, it was sprinkling, meaning the trail, consisting of mud, was slick. Another yuck: it was hot and humid. NOT hiking weather. Dad and I were both sweating within minutes of taking off. Another problem? We were walking right next to a stinky creek. The smell was unbearable. Lastly: THE MOSQUITOES. They were EVERYWHERE, attacking Dad and I nonstop. I got 10 bites all over my arms.

Dad went first on the trail and had to help me get across and up many slopes. After walking 1/2 MILE, we reached a steep slope made of sand and gravel. Dad said, “I have a feeling this is it.” He ran up the slope. I made it 3/4 of the way up, stopped to find my next footing, and watched my feet slip down to the bottom. When I hit the bottom, I hear Dad scream, “This is it! Wow, it’s huge.” I try once again to stumble up, but slide back down, this time almost falling backwards. I make it halfway up. I break into sobs because I literally cannot push myself anymore. I couldn’t do it. I did not see the Moonville Tunnel. I was devastated. 6 hours of driving for nothing. Dad came back down and said that it was OK; that if I did get up, I would not get down. He took one step down and slid the rest of the way.

Another 1/2 mile back, me using my purse as a bug swatter, and Dad and I brushed the bugs off, jumped in the car, and took off. We had both seen the Lake Hope State Park, which housed Hope Furnace, also supposedly haunted. This site was much more accessible to the public, and eerie when you walked up to it. As soon as I can find my camera, pictures will be up.

Hope Furnace is a blast furnace located near Logan. They smelted iron ore between 1854 and 1874.  

All in all, a fun trip with Dad, but sad because I couldn’t see the thing I had gone to see. 

NEXT: Tribe game. The family went to Cleveland to see an Indians game. They lost 10-3 to Detroit. But we had so much fun. Best part of the game: Brother and I found PORTABLE MARGARITA MACHINES.

NEXT (yesterday): Port Clinton. We live about 45 minutes from Port Clinton, and we love going as a family. Yesterday, we went and spent half the day there. First, we went to Coffee Express, a small local coffee shop with DELICIOUS muffins and bagels. Next was one of my favorite stores: Great Lakes Popcorn Company. This place carries popcorn (surprise) and candied nuts. Their popcorn comes in many different flavors: butter and salt, caramel, cheddar, grape, green apple, chocolate drizzle, blueberry, peach, Kahlua, etc...I got a big bag of Island Mix (white cheddar and caramel). After that, we went to Cheese Haven. This place sells cheeses, meats, jams and jellies, drinks, alcohol, sweets, etc... I got a link of “summer sausage”. Then, we drove to Bergman’s Orchard, where we picked up fresh cantaloupe, peaches, cherry pie filling, green beans, and mushrooms. Lastly, we drove out to a small park on Lake Erie near the Marblehead Lighthouse, where we got to see Cedar Point straight out from the water’s edge.

I’ll end this rambling post with my goal for this week: 

Eat a healthy breakfast.

Here is the explanation from Sparkpeople: 

“Most people skip over the most important meal of the day. And most breakfast foods are high in sugar, fat, and simple carbohydrates that spike your blood sugar and leave you feeling hungry. The right combination of fiber and protein will give you an energy boost in the morning and get you started on the right foot. A few breakfast favorites are equipped with the protein and fiber you’ll need. For protein, a couple of eggs, a serving of Greek yogurt, or some low-fat dairy will fit the bill. For fiber, there select oatmeal, whole-grain toast or whole-grain cereals. Try to create a new habit of eating breakfast every day. Studies show that breakfast eaters eat less throughout the day and are more likely to manage their weight.”

I will be (try to) posting pictures of “a week in breakfasts” at the end of the week, so you can see what I eat here at home. Hope you have a good week! See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Upcoming week and funky feelings

Hello again. It's Wednesday night, and I usually don't blog at night, but for some reason, I am wound up tonight and thought that perhaps writing would help calm me.

First things first...my funky feelings. Let's just deal with those and get them out of the way.

I have never been one to have "nature" allergies. What do I mean by "nature" allergies? Outside allergens never seem(ed) to bother me. Things like pollen, dust, flowers, plants, animals in general...I have never had a problem before.

This week has been completely out of sorts in terms of temperatures. Usually, the summers are very warm here. Last summer, for example, it was dry (desperate for rain), humid, and hot. Like nasty hot. This summer has been FULL of rain (22 days straight in June!) and hot. But ALSO cool! It has been in the low 70s for the past few days, with low humidity, a cool breeze, and sunshine. It honestly has been beautiful around here. I've had my windows opened for a few days now, and my room smells like sunshine in the morning. Ahh...

Today was the first day that there was a change in the weather in a few days. It was a little sticky out (humid), slightly warmer, and gray skies dominated the day (with a few sprinkles here and there). I go to bed around 11 each night and wake up at 7 each morning. For two days in a row now, I have woken up minutes before my alarm beeps. Two days ago, it was 10 minutes before my alarm. Today, it was 45 minutes before my alarm!

I got up today at 5:45 and could not breathe at all. I have what is called a deviated septum. So, one side of my nose is constantly blocked. Imagine me getting a cold...both sides blocked. Agh! Well, today, I woke up, and BOTH SIDES were blocked. I had been trying to sniff hard to breathe, and that caused a massive headache to form. I sat up, blew my nose, and nothing came out. That didn't help at all.

If you're following along closely, I'm 3-for-3 here, people.

I lay in bed for another 10 minutes, staring at my wall, feeling my head throbbing. Sitting up, I felt woozy. My eyes were watering and leaking like crazy--it looked like I was silently crying...it was bad.

I got dressed and ready for breakfast. Today was a busy day with my family--Mom and I shopped from 8-5 (pretty much). First, we went to Panera, then Wal-Mart, then home. Next, Aldi's, then home. Lunch, 1 hour break, Kroger. At this point, I picked up Dad from work, drove him across town to a car rental store to get a car for our Dad-daughter road trip, then back home. After that, the family had quite a few groceries to stash away, then dinner, then FINALLY now. Calming down and catching my breath. PHEW! What a day.

During the whole day, I felt sick to my stomach, overheated, and tired. My eyes constantly watered and burned, I couldn't breath, and I struggled to keep focus. Mom suggested allergies, and it was the first time I realized--ugh! I have "nature" allergies! Stupid weather.

On top of all that, I have been very..."down in the dumps"...lately. I think this feeling may stem from not having a full-time job, not living on my own, not having enough money to save up for my apartment, etc... But, hey, all in due time.

Onto the second part: my upcoming week.

Tomorrow, I have a piano lesson. Saturday (I am so excited for this day!), Dad and I are going to an abandoned Ohio town. SO EXCITED!!! Road trip day. Next Thursday, the family will be heading to an Indians game! Pictures will hopefully be posted. Soon, school will begin and life will pick up again. Until then, folks.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Goal Sunday

Nothing new to report this Sunday. I have the same goal as last Sunday--

Get 8 hours of sleep daily.

This week has just been an "ugh" kind of week. I didn't do so hot with food, the gym, everything. I usually can tell when I'm slipping into a state of depression, and this feels like it is that time.

Since having 4 job interviews and 4 (or more) schools turning me down, I am so frustrated with a job. Don't get me wrong: I love living with my family. I always have my family with me, whenever I need someone. However, I am 23 years old, and would like a chance at life as an adult, ya know, with a full-time job, apartment, taking care of myself?

*big sigh* But it's ok. Or it should be. I may not be a super-dee-duper religious person, but I just keep saying to myself: God has another plan for me. He wouldn't bring me all this way to drop me. Must be something else He needs me for.

Enough negativity! I'm done being negative!! Tomorrow is a new day. Tonight, I am heading to bed early, to be ready to kick butt tomorrow.

My motivational quote of the week: "Things turn out the best for those who make the best out of the way things turn out."--John Wooden

I think this suits me well this week!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday night catch-up

AGH! I missed blogging days twice! Here's a quick catch-up on my weight:

Starting weight: 415 lbs

Previous weight: 412.6 lbs

Current weight: 409.4 lbs

Weight loss: -3.2 lbs

Total weight loss: -5.6 lbs

Percentage of weight lost: 1.4%

Goal weight: 126 lbs.

AHHHHHHH!!!!! So exciting!!!!! The first time I've been UNDER 410 in a LOOONG time! And I am now a whole percent closer to my goal!! Needless to say, this feels good.

I'll be back tomorrow when I'm not so tired to blog a little personal story.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Weekly weigh-in with a personal touch

Clearly, I forgot to post an update Wednesday about my weight, and today is my "personal post" day, aka a day where I post something about myself so you, the readers, can get to know me better!

First, the weigh-in. I will admit, I did gain weight last week. I did not post because...I was embarrassed. It was quite a bit of weight, in my eyes. I got up to 415 lbs. I'm glad that's over, though. In the beginning of the week, I was 415. By mid-week, I was 414.8. Here is this week:

Starting weight (heaviest): 415

Previous weight: 414.8

Current weight: 412.6

Change: -2.2

Goal weight: 126

Total weight loss percentage: .53%

Alright! Half of one percent gone! It is a start!

Now for the personal post. Today, Mom, Bro, and I headed to the Cleveland area to do some shopping. We stopped at West Side Market (West Side Market website), Bro's favorite coffee shop in Tremont, some market place in Parma where Bro gets his pickles, and Wendy's for lunch. While driving up, I had the time (and peace & quiet) to think about a request I had asked of my father earlier in the month--for a road trip. The last time Dad and I went on a road trip was (I believe) 5 years ago, one month after I graduated high school. At that time, I chose a county to go to in alphabetical order (thank you, OCD); that county was Ashtabula. We didn't plan anything specific...we just drove there. When we got there, Dad and I had so much fun! We drove around looking for lunch. The town we had wandered into was very small and homey, so there were only local diners. Fortunately, we found a hot dog stand next to a drawbridge and stopped there to eat hot dogs, chips, and pop.

After that, we wanted to find a beach. So, Dad took off driving. One of my funniest memories of the trip is him driving. We headed to the drawbridge. The light was red (meaning DON'T CROSS THE BRIDGE, THERE IS A BOAT COMING AND THE BRIDGE WILL MOVE UP). Dad conveniently ignores the light and runs right through it. I say, "Dad, there was a red light back there." Dad immediately stops, frozen in the middle of the drawbridge. "What does that mean?" he says. "DAD! DAD! GET OFF THE BRIDGE!!" That was me screaming because at this point, I feel the bridge moving underneath me. It is folding up to make room for a taller boat. Dad guns it, until we realize that we will not make it to the other side before the middle splits. Dad slams the car into reverse and squeals off of the bridge. We make it just in time before the bridge completely splits.

The rest of our trip was quiet. We stopped at a beach and enjoyed the sunny day. Then, we headed home.

Fast forward 5 years, and I am ready to go on another road trip with my Dad. My likes have definitely changed over the years, and currently I am extremely interested in abandoned towns, buildings, and the like. I don't know why, but they fascinate me. I have chosen Carpenters Mill, OH. It is in near Columbus. Europeans first settled it, but after Ohio gained statehood, settlers founded it in 1801. Oo! There is even a ghost story associated with the river bank just a little ways down. Yes! I hope we have fun!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Measuring Monday

Oh so excited to write this post. !!

Today is (aside from my weight fluctuation that happens every few days) the first day since I started my weight loss journey that I have seen progress!! True progress!!

I've read lots of articles about weight loss that say you should measure yourself to see the inches that come off before the pounds. I've also read articles that say having a "clothes-o-meter", or a piece of clothing that doesn't fit, to measure yourself is also helpful. I don't use a "c-o-m". I am an old-fashioned kind of losing weight person. I use a tape measure to measure myself. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure what I would use as a "c-o-m"...jeans? A tee shirt? My one denim skirt?

Tonight I took measurements (with the help of Mom). I was stunned. Here are the beginning measurements vs. this week's measurements:


Waist: 63.5

Hips: 68.5

Thigh: 33.5

Upper Arm: 20 


Waist: 62.5 (-1)

Hips: 67.75 (-.75)

Thigh: 32.75 (-.75

Upper Arm: 19 (-1)

Total off of my body: -3.5 inches

Good lord, I hope I did my math right. Ignore if wrong, please. LOOK AT THAT. EVERY MEASUREMENT DOWN. I can't believe it!!!!! I am too excited right now!! :D :D :D

Ok, back to the blog. Phew. What an amazing feeling this is. My hard work is finally starting to pay off. I couldn't be happier! I didn't go to the gym today (shame), but I am going tomorrow, and I have already made my breakfast--Low-fat Applesauce Oatmeal muffins, yogurt, and a glass of peach iced tea.

Finally some progress after 23 years!!! See you Wednesday for a weigh-in! (PS: Look soon for pictures of Applesauce Oatmeal Muffins I make if I can get them uploaded!)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Goal Sunday

First, I would like to apologize for not blogging for so long. I've been blogging for 1 1/2 years (if I have my dates correct), and I am still learning the basics. Currently, I am setting up an editorial calendar for my blogging schedule. These are the following days for blogging: 

Sunday--New Goal Sunday

Monday--Measuring Monday

Wednesday--Weekly Weigh-in

Friday--personal post

Saturday-- week in review

I will try to stick to this schedule as much as I can.

That makes today New Goal Sunday. So far, I have accomplished 1 goal. I have reduced my intake of fast-food meals to one a week. This is great news! That was the goal two weeks ago. My goal this past week was to do at least 10 minutes of active exercise daily. While I got to the gym twice and walked around the block this week, I still had two days of no exercise. I am going to try this one again this week. Today, I am going walking up and down my block twice (once the heat and humidity subsides--high of 90 today). That will take about 30 minutes.

Weekly Goal:

Do 10 minutes of active exercise daily.

Wish me luck! Come back tomorrow to see my body stats.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I said I would get measurements and pictures up by Monday, but yesterday, I ended up getting really busy and went off to a mall with one of my best friends to shop for a few hours.

Today (as in seconds ago), I took measurements of myself. NOTICE: My measurements, or WHAT I measure, might be different than what you measure; that's ok. I've read 50 different articles that tell you to measure 50 different things. It all depends on what you want to see and where you want to see results. I chose the waist, hips ('cause they don't lie), thigh, and upper arm. These are areas I would like to see whittled down. Here are my *FIRST* measurements!

Waist: 63.5

Hips: 68.5

Thigh: 33.5

Upper arm: 20

I don't know if these numbers (exception being the waist) are high because, other than my waist, I have never measured myself! This is a new concept for me, but I think this will be a great motivator. No one wants to see numbers go UP.

Check out tomorrow's post when I have an update on my weight.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Goal Sunday

Time for new goals:

Drink 3 frozen mochas a week (I was back up to 7...yikes!)

Give up 1 fast food meal a week--down to 1 a week
--I think I mentioned this a week ago...I said it would be a 2-part goal, 1 week for recording how many times I eat out at fast food restaurants, and 1 week for actually DOING the goal. This is week 2. I counted the avg. number of times I go out for fast food, and it was 2-3 times a week. That is not much for me. I'm sure I've stated this earlier, but I used to be a McDonald's fan. I would eat there whenever I could. Burger King was also one of my choice restaurants. However, I have cut those two completely out of my life. I haven't been to one in YEARS. The ONLY exception is if I'm craving it extremely badly and NEED it. Then and only then will I give in and get a small fry or pop.

I still could do better though. Mom is making more meals at home because she has more time, Dad is on a 2 week "vacation" from work (his building shuts down for 2 weeks every summer) and Bro is...well, still working, but since Mom usually makes the meals, it doesn't really matter.

This week, I'm really going to strive to eat up the food we have at home. If I feel the need to go out, I would like to choose a somewhat healthier place to go: Subway, Jimmy John's...sub places are the best for me because I can get exactly what I want and can see it being made. I don't know why, but I love that.

Sidenote: Have not gone out for fast-food yet this week; had 1 frozen mocha already

I will be back tomorrow with measurements and pictures--finally!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday: The good, the bad,....

So, if you can't tell, I've fallen off the bandwagon...just a little. Actually, a lot. I just got back into going to the gym last week after not going for probably a good month, my eating habits are terrible, etc, etc....

Today, I got to the gym for the first time this week (weeks are Sunday-Saturday for me), and weighed myself. Good news and bad news:

Bad news: I gained 4.8 lbs from the last time I weighed myself a month (or possibly more?) ago.

Good news: I have put on what *looks* like a significant amount of weight. My pants are tight, shirts don't fit, and my stomach is getting visibly bigger. However, I only gained 5.4 lbs, and not the 15 I thought I gained.

Here's the details:

Starting weight: 412

Previous weight: 406.2

Current weight: 411

Change: -4.8

Goal weight: 126

Total weight loss percentage: .35%

Not 1% yet, but I'm getting there! Any percentage of weight LOST is a good thing.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Motivational Monday

Good day today! Had an interview at Marion City Schools, explored Marion and Bucyrus on the way home, tried a new jelly--Apple Jelly--from an apple butter and jelly factory, and just had fun! Some pictures of Marion and Bucyrus are on my twitter feed.

Who doesn't need a little motivation on Mondays? Have a great week!

~Be the kind of person that you want to meet.~

Also, check out my Goodreads profile, linked from the tab "other social media" (look above)!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's that time of week again...

...time for new goals. I've fallen off the bandwagon lately, but I would like to hop back on, please. When do I not fall off the bandwagon? I feel like I constantly am falling. But, I always try to pick myself up again. This time, I did need a little help from Mother, who is trying to push me more and more each day. 

Here are my new goals:

Nutrition: Give up 1 fast food meal a week
     -- what is "fast food"? Anything eaten out... "anything? what's left to eat? you can't constantly eat at home, you." Correct. What's left? Subway, Jimmy John's...places similar to these that do not include a large portion of the menu fried in grease.

Fitness: Exercise for 10 minutes each day
     -- for this goal, I searched online for ideas for 10 minutes of exercise, and found 8 ways to incorporate small doses of exercise into my days; I'll be using those and updating you on what I did later in the week

Motivation: Get 8 hours of sleep
     -- Because who doesn't want more sleep?!

You might be thinking: "Hey, you, I've seen these before? Why do them again?" Because I need to, that's why!

Wish me luck, as this week, I am going to really push myself!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Uh...I'm not really THAT person. But I am THAT person.

Lately, I've been thinking about just how much my "weigh" of losing weight changes (pun intended). I have always been a person who embraces change. Change can be a good thing. The only proof I need is to look at my life. After high school, I needed a change, so I took a risk. First, I cut off 8-9 inches of my hair, dyed it to the complete opposite color, and then, I left. I went 5 hours away to a city I barely knew, walked into a school where I knew no one, and took a chance at a new life. Fast forward 5 years later, and I could not have been happier with my decision. I made life-long friends, I honed a craft that I love and keep falling more in love with, and I changed...for the better. I feel more confident, mature, optimistic, and happier than I ever felt before I left for college. I can honestly say I am a different person, and I love it.

Change can be a great thing. Look at my mom's gardening decisions lately (some pushed, possibly, by her wonderful children.... :) ). After 3 (or so) years of pushing, Mom FINALLY let me have a patch of her *sacred* rose garden for my mini herb garden! Yay! I just planted a fresh, living basil plant (I have the tendency to somehow kill basil...this plant is Basil III) and an oregano plant. I'm seeing margherita pizzas in the future. Brother also got in on the planting, making a little patch across from the herbs for his...hot chilis. I can't believe he planted those, and I'm not sure if I'll ever eat one, but Brother is into Creole/Cajun cooking, so I am sure those will fit perfectly into his recipes.

See? Change is good. Well....not all change.

One thing I will never change: my eating. Now hear me out: I'm not saying this in a bad way. I am merely saying that you will NEVER see me on a "diet". I used to be a yo-yo dieter-- ya know, "I'll cut this out. It's 'no that' week, etc..."But now? No way. I am not a dieter, and I never will be.

I might change up HOW I set goals, or what kinds of goals I set. I might change up how I measure myself. Or I might even change up my whole weight-loss ideal, but that is not a bad thing. In my mind, I call it...progress. I am growing and maturing each day, and I am so excited to see where my life takes me.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Me first.

These past few weeks have been rough on me. I have been busier than I ever imagined I would be at the end of the school year. Two of my four jobs are ending. One, I already quit (to move onto bigger and more full-time things, hopefully). The other will end after next Thursday. One is accompanying, the other, subbing. The summer currently looks relatively quiet, with piano lessons 2x/wk and church 1x/wk. Church choir is out for the summer after June 2, and the service moves to an earlier time, 9 am. I'm also looking for a summer job.

Nice peek into the future.

 Now back pedal with me to the present. I have multiple "things" going on each day. Sunday, it was a big church day because of Holy Communion, so it went from 10:30 to almost 12. Monday, I had accompanying from 8-1, recording from 3-3:45, and a concert from 6:30-9:30. Yesterday, I had a chance to work, but no sub was needed. The first piano lesson was cancelled, too, so my schedule was a bit empty. Today, I had a funeral from 11 to 11:45, then choir rehearsal from 7-9 tonight. Tomorrow, I have subbing from 7-3, then a piano lesson from 4:30-5. Friday, I'm working all day and then leaving at 3 for Marietta.
 OH YES. And during this whole week, I need to find time to pack for a weekend vacation, bake treats for said weekend vacay, apply for full-time jobs, and apply for summer work.

Needless to say, I'm feeling overwhelmed.

The thing I hate most about myself when it comes to scheduling is that in my eyes, if one thing "falls off" of my daily schedule, everything "falls off". Say, for example, that I forget to make my bed in the morning (or don't have time to). That just sets my whole day off wrong. Not that I have a bad day...I just can't follow a schedule for the whole day because of one thing not done in the morning. I used to be so paranoid that I would schedule EVERY MINUTE of a day:

5:45--wake up
7:20--prepare to leave
7:25--leave for work

On these days, if one thing ran over its time, the schedule would completely fall apart. I hate when I do that.

Even worse, the gym is super sporadic lately as I'm not working it into my schedule at all. I went yesterday, but I know that I have gained a lot of weight. And I don't weigh myself anymore. I'm too embarrassed.

It seems like everything is falling backwards. All of my hard work is failing because I am not taking good care of myself.

It's time to put me first.

 1.) Any ideas of getting out of the schedule rut (scheduling every minute, one thing runs over, it falls apart)?
2.) What would you consider a "healthy breakfast"?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Back into the swing of things

First of all, happy Mother's Day! Today, my family (immediate, grandparents, and a surprise guest--cousin from Bristol, CT!) are going to a (somewhat) local Italian restaurant for dinner. Yum!

Second, I'm finally getting back into a normal schedule. I'm subbing more at my school district, choir rehearsals are getting shorter with less music as we wind down for summer break, and piano lessons are becoming more frequent. This makes me extremely happy!

Third, here are my goals for the week:

Fitness goal: Do something active outdoors each day

Motivation goal: Get up without hitting the snooze button

Nutrition goal: Eat a healthy breakfast

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Measuring Monday week 8--Where did the time go again???

Where did the time fly to? And why has it been so long since I've blogged??? Some reasons are excusable, others...not so much. One reason: I've been SWAMPED. Like, more than ever. Musical rehearsals every night, music contests to play at (1 [or 2?] more coming up), daily rehearsals, teaching, Lenten services (average number of services doubled), etc... Other reason: laziness. Pathetic--I know. But I've been lazy lately because I have finally had some "me" time to myself! Alas, now I must place my nose back on that grindstone (ow). So now I'll just show weight updates and pros and cons of the week instead of complaining more.


-- being intimidated by the gym/people at the gym
---This is normal for me. Here is an example of my problem: A few days ago, I drove past the gym slowly and counted the number of cars in front of it. If there were more than 2, I would pass on going to the gym that day. Sad, isn't it? I go to a local Anytime Fitness, and in this gym, I have yet to see anyone really overweight...it's like everyone in my hometown is fit and they just go there to keep fit (girls) or show off (guys). And yes, the guys do try to show off...at least from what I've seen. "Let's see how heavy I can make this, dude. I'll be so buff." I literally heard this conversation one day. "Dude, add another 50 lbs on there. Niiiice." *guy goes to lift weights* "AHHH--FUU---YAAAHHHH! YEAH!" He continues to do this every time he lifts the weight. Oh, so manly......... Back to everyone being fit...I feel like a fish out of water in there. Why? 1.) I don't know if I'm using all equipment properly. 2.) I am a sight not seen much in my hometown gym (big girl). 3.) When I sweat, I STINK. It's bad, people. I should get an assistant that just constantly sprays me with perfume and deodorant. 4.) Watching me trying to catch my breath after an intense interval cardio is pitiful. 5.) It's just not good. Today, I went in for a good workout. As soon as I walk in, I hop on the elliptical. Two younger girls proceed to talk very loudly right behind me. I plug in my buds to the TV and turn it up loud. I can still hear them. After 10 minutes of talking behind me, they finally head over to 2 treadmills, where they talk even louder. Isn't the gym a place to workout? If you want to socialize that much, go to Starbucks, please. I hop off the elliptical after 15 minutes, 125 calories burned. I go to the leg extension machine. A guy that is using the machine behind me sees me hop on. When I am in the middle of my reps, he stands near me and rolls his eyes at me. I think I was using the machine he wanted? Then, another younger guy kept sneaking glances at me (that I obviously saw). I wanted to turn around to the people in the gym today and say, "A big girl working out!! It's scary, isn't it?!?!" Instead, I just put my head down, turned up my music, and worked it out.

---I got fast food again. This time, it was yesterday. I got hit by a craving for McD's fries, and I fulfilled it. Never doing that again...upset stomach-bleck!


--Frozen mochas!
---These scrumptious delicacies from Panera are finally losing the battle against me! Last week, I had less than 4! This week, my goal is...1! I know I can do it--I've done it before (years ago). If I can do this 1 mocha this week, I will have finally COMPLETELY finished my first nutrition goal-- "cut down on frozen mochas to 1 a week". I'm so excited. I'm so stinkin' excited that if I accomplish all my goals this week, I'm buying myself the "Magic Mike" DVD. Sweet freakin' Jesus yes.

--seeing results
---Don't let this confuse you. I'm not seeing physical results. I'm seeing habit-changing results. I've been changing some habits lately. My first was: making one day this week a "no-pop" day. Sunday was the day. It was tough, but I persevered and made it through the day without a drop of pop. Due to this, I felt better Sunday. I was happy, more awake (wha?), and more energetic. I felt not so icky (if you ever drink as much pop as me, your mouth constantly feels nasty with sugar). It was a whole new experience for me, and I loved it! "No-pop day" is definitely something I will do every week!

Here are my week 8 goals:

Fitness: get to gym 3x/wk

Health: 8 hrs sleep 3x/wk

Nutrition: 1 frozen mocha/wk

Starting weight: 412
Previous weight: 404.0
Current weight: 406.2
Total weight change: +2.2
Goal: 125---2.1% of the way there

See you in half a week!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Measuring Monday week 3...+ mid-week breakthrough

I haven’t been on here in quite some time, but I thought I would update on my journey, like I said I would.

These past 2 weeks have had their ups and downs. The first week was...meh. Ok. I didn’t do that well in terms of working out or eating. 

The second week was rough. My goals for the second week were: 

--3 frozen mochas/wk

--gym 2x/wk

--7 hrs sleep 4x/wk

-- caffeine withdrawal symptoms
--- Thursday morning, I woke up feeling like someone had physically beaten me up. I was achy, had a headache, felt exhausted, and was VERY sluggish that day. Friday was generally the same. Near the end of Friday, I kept asking my mom, “What’s wrong with me? Do I have the flu?” She had no clue. After dinner, I look at her and say, “Frozen mocha”. She immediately knew--the caffeine boost (whatever size it might be). I craved that bit of caffeine. I felt that I NEEDED that caffeine to get me through my day. When I suddenly didn’t have that source of caffeine, I turned to yet another awful drink: pop. Lots of it. It was a rough ending to a weird week.

--not pacing myself
---I have this tendency to not pace myself in terms of getting my frozen mochas and working out. I try to push it back as far as possible. For example, I'll get all my frozen mochas at the beginning of the week, and later in the week, the above symptoms happen. Same with working out. I try to work out the latest in the week I can. For example, I didn't work out this week until the last 2 days of the week that I possibly could.


-- Getting to the gym at all
--- I went to the gym twice! Very exciting!! Those were good, solid workouts, too!

---I got 7 hrs of sleep four days that week. I never thought it would make a difference, but boy, what 7 hours of good sleep can do for you!

--Controlling my frozen mochas
---Lastly, my favorite part--I only had 3 FROZEN MOCHAS!! This was a hard goal for me--I have tried to cut back on these before, but could never get below 4 a week.
This week, my attitude towards the mochas has changed. I don’t feel so dependent on them.
Here are my weekly goals:

-- 2 frozen mochas/wk


-- gym 4x/wk


--7 hrs sleep 6x/wk

And weigh-in time:

Lots of confusion--deal with me.

Starting weight: 412
Previous weight: 404.4
Current weight: 404.0

OVERALL: Lost .4 lbs--not bad (hey--it could go up instead of down)!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weekly goals

This is just a quick update on my weekly goals this week; from now on, this will most likely happen on Mondays, but I hadn't chosen my weekly goals as of yesterday.

Whirlwind week, I tell ya....

Exercise goal:

-- Get to gym 1 time this week (2/18-2/25)

Nutrition goal:

-- Drink only 5 frozen mochas this week (3420 cals/wk of drink will go down to 2850 cals/wk of drink)

Other goal:

-- Get 7 hours of sleep...in my BED, not on the couch 2 times this week (2/18-2/25)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Dust Yourself Off and Try Again/Measuring Monday

This past week has been somewhat of a disaster...where do I start with how much I messed up? Yikes. Well...there were SOME good points, and I know I should recognize those too.


-- I had Wendy’s
--I have not had the 3 fast-food kings (McD’s, BK, Wendy’s) in YEARS (months for Wendy’s). All 3 places make me sick and do nothing for my health, so I simply stopped eating them. On the way home from a music event in Clyde, however, Wendy’s suddenly sounded good. I got a medium Coke and a 6 piece chicken nugget (they didn’t have 5? weird). I immediately regretted it and will NOT be going there anytime soon.

-- 6 frozen mochas from Panera
-- These delicious bad boys just keep popping up in my life; and at 570 calories each, they are NOT good for me at all, save for the caffeine kick I can get. Let’s see...570 cals x 6/wk= 3,420 cals/wk on a drink! Holy cannoli.

--To top those 3420 cals, I didn’t get to the gym...not once. Lazy much, me? Ugh yes.

--LOTS of pop
--Pop. My worst enemy. My best friend. I had so much this week, I would lose count everyday; it was well over 2 cans, I know that. And it’s not diet. I’m talking regular Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc...


-- Realizations of progress
-- I am finally realizing how far I’ve actually come. Processed and fast foods were my life. Now, I never eat McD’s, BK, or Wendy’s. I’ve stopped eating Spaghetti-Os. I’ve cut down to nearly no mac and cheese in a box. It’s moments like this that I say, thank goodness I have given up on those. I hated going to McD’s every few days like I used to, feeling dependent on a burger, fry, and drink to make my day better. Yuck. SO glad to be away from those foods.

-- Serious talk with my mom
-- The best part about my mom going to Clyde with me was that on the way home, I had a serious chat with her about my roller coaster of weight loss I’m going through. She and I set up a schedule of working out. She promised to help me this week with some of my nutrition problems.

My problem in this journey is that I can’t do two things at once. Give me one GREAT week at the gym, working out everyday hardcore. My eating that week will be disastrous. Give me one GREAT week of eating healthfully 24/7, never putting bad foods in my body, giving up much of my pops and mochas, and I will never see the gym. If I could combine both efforts, I would probably lose more faster. BUT, this is learning process. And I am definitely learning.


Starting weight: 412
Previous weight: 402.6
Current weight: 404.4
Total weight change: + 1.8
Goal: 125

We will see how this week goes. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 1: In Sickness and in Health

UGH. That emotion best describes how I have been feeling for the past 3 days. It all started with a slight stuffy nose, then turned to a sore throat, then turned to a severely congested nose, sore throat, and "bleck" being coughed up...I'm in the midst of day 3, taking DayQuil, and drinking lots of water. Some events I had planned had to be cancelled today because my voice is LITERALLY gone...like not there...like finito...gone...I CAN'T SPEAK! If you know me, you know that this is going to be impossible (I'm a chatter).

But that doesn't matter. Because it all starts today. Like my title says: "in sickness and in health", right? Let's do this.

I told all of you that today I would be treating this as a TRUE weight loss blog, logging in my weight, food, and exercise, along with life updates that will (usually) have something to do with my weight loss journey.

With that, let's begin...

I will first start with a weigh-in. Here goes.

Highest weight: 412 lbs (This will only be shown today--this was the highest weight I have ever recorded--3 months ago)
Starting weight: 402.6 lbs
Total weight lost: 9 lbs

There it is. In black and white. I don't like looking at it, but it is what it is.

So. *deep breath* I shall take the plunge.

My action plan: BABY STEPS. Small changes in my everyday lifestyle.

That's it for now. Keep watching for pictures, exercise logs, food logs, and thoughts on my weight loss and how it will affect my life. Thank you for following along on this long journey!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I'm not really...good...at blogging, in case you couldn't tell. This blog was SUPPOSED to be about my weight loss journey...but I haven't really done much weight loss blogging...so please excuse me while I revamp my blog...mind the construction dust...and I'll be back soon with (hopefully) a new look.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Goal/Super Bowl 47 Sunday

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Annnnddd...the lights in the stadium just went off... say wha???

New goal time--my weekly goal:

Get 7 hours of sleep/day.

This is a minimum time; I would love to get more.

Along with weekly goals, I am beginning small daily goals. February is National Heart Month, so I have a calendar from my favorite Sparkpeople website. My daily goals this week include:

2/3/13-- Monitor my cholesterol intake (my iPhone food tracker keeps track of this)
2/4/13-- Get moving. Shoot for at least 30 min/day.
2/5/13-- Boost your HDL; eating foods like nuts, flaxseeds, olive oil, and fish...too bad I hate all but olive oil; in my last checkup, though, I was told all of my cholesterol was great
2/6/13-- Slow down (I'll do my best)
2/7/13-- Go nuts! I'll....not do as much of this one...
2/8/13-- Pump iron...ok...
2/9/13-- Avoid trans fats...time to read labels...

Ok, so these are some of the things I will be doing, and I will report on these later (tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday).

Do something good for your heart this month--go for a walk, watch your intake of food, incorporate healthy eating into your lifestyle, and most importantly (in my opinion), SLOW DOWN. Enjoy life. Take time to stop and smell the roses. It's funny that this month's theme (heart health) comes when it does. Just recently, I was subbing at a middle school when (IT IS BELIEVED; HEARD THIS FROM A STUDENT WHOSE FRIEND WAS IN THE CLASSROOM) a teacher had a (possible????) heart attack. Take care of yourself. Your heart will thank you!

Stay healthy,

Monday, January 21, 2013

Music Monday

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr Day! Most people have the day off--enjoy! It is ICY cold here and snowing on and off--what a perfect day to stay inside and cozy up to a cup of hot cocoa.

Today's song is: Just Dance by Lady Gaga & Colby O'Donis

Anyone know who Colby O'Donis is? I don't, but nevertheless. I bought this song because I like the upbeat tempo...helpful when I'm working out! I'm not a huge fan of Gaga, but she has some good songs. This is one of them, in my opinion.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Goal Sunday

Happy Sunday! It's still a little early, so bear with me as I try to both type and keep my eyes open.

I have written down my New Year's Resolutions and posted them in my bedroom. I have tried to be more specific about it, but I was thinking my weekly goals would be the more specific versions of the general New Year's Resolutions.

Here is my new goal, another 2-parter:

Post my written goals in places where I'll see them often--on my computer or fridge, in a picture frame on your desk, as a bookmark, and in my wallet. These reminders will help me stay focused and on track.

Develop an action plan for every goal. For example, a healthy eating resolution may involve: learning more about good nutrition, visiting a dietitian, finding ways to adapt your recipes, buying containers to pack lunches, learning how to prepare new foods, and planning extra time for shopping and cooking. Don't overwhelm yourself with every action step at once, but focus on a few things each day.

These goals might take a little longer than the last one...wish me luck!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! Today is a SLOW day compared to the rest of the week--I only have one reeharsal from 7:30-9 tonight for a show for tomorrow night. Normally on Fridays, I like to blog one personal thing, just so you readers can get to know me better as a person. I had originally thought of posting a picture of something from my room every week, but I have so much stuff, it would be impossible to blog it all! So, I am thinking of breaking it down into different segments. This month will be about what I am doing in my multiple jobs.

I will start with my first job I got in August: St. John Lutheran Church musician/choir director.

I am working my way through preludes, postludes, offertory, and communion music in my first organ book. The further I get through the book, the harder the music gets, and now I am using 2 manuals (2 keyboards, one hand on each) AND pedals! It is getting tough, which means more and more practice! BUT, I am getting great compliments from the congregation, who think my playing is "outstanding"! The extra practice is worth it.

Have a good weekend (3-day weekend!) and I will be back on Sunday!

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Goals and music

Hello again! Happy Monday. This week is swamped for me, with something going on every night (and most days). I will do my best to try to blog more than last week (once).

New goal: a 2-parter...

If I haven't yet settled on my top goals for the year, do so now. Writing down your goals (in specific terms) means I'm more likely to achieve them.

Are my goals specific and positive? Rather than vowing "to exercise" for example, reword each goal so that it is clear and measurable: I will walk 30 minutes every day. I will complete a 5K race. I will do a yoga DVD twice a week.

Basically, write my goals down and make them specific. I've already written some down, but now I need to make them more specific. I can do that.

And a new song from my favorites:

Taylor Swift--Love Story

No matter how much everyone puts her down, I still like Taylor Swift! This is one of my favorites of hers from her album, Fearless.


Monday, January 7, 2013

O Come All Ye Faithful

One quick blog post before I go workout (I'm on top of it today!). Today is Music Monday, which means time for a new song suggestion from my iTunes.

This week's is: O Come All Ye Faithful from Bing Crosby.

Who doesn't love Bing? And a classic holiday song? This kind of music is playing all the time in our house!

Enjoy your week!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New year, new me

Happy New Year/Epiphany (to those who celebrate)! I have a large handful of resolutions, but I have begun to break it down into weekly/monthly goals to help myself stick to them!

Some of my more broad New Year Resolutions include:

Lose weight
Eat healthier
Try new foods
Connect more with friends
Become a better musician
Get my life organized
Budget appropriately for my "wants"

Here is my weekly goal for a healthier lifestyle--

Immediately after waking up, put on my workout clothes, put in my headphones, and get some music going.

This is a goal that...flows with the rest of my previous goals. Here's how the goals went: Lay out my workout clothes at night. Put my alarm clock far enough away to have to get up to turn it off. Set a bottle of water and breakfast bar near my clock. Don't hit the snooze button when my alarm goes off. When I get up, take a swig of water and eat the breakfast bar. And finally, this week's goal.

Other updates:

-- I haven't focused at all on other goals
-- I go soon to test for diabetes--wish me luck!
-- I might be getting sick (can't tell--sore throat comes and goes)
-- I DID try grapefruit (SOMETHING NEW)...as of now, not for me (too sour)

That should be it! Sorry this is so short and blog posts have been sparse. I will do my best to keep up (another NY resolution!).