Sunday, August 18, 2013

Moonville, Tribe, and PC...phew!

What can I say about my absence on this blog? I have been keeping busy with last-minute “summer vacations”, preparing for school, keeping busy with lessons, and church. 

Since I have been gone so long, I feel like I should update you with what I have been doing in my life. I'll start with Moonville.

The last time Dad and I took a road trip, I was a senior in high school (5 years ago). I decided it was time for another, but this time we would go to an abandoned town. Here is the history I have found so far:

Moonville was an industrial town in Southeast Ohio where The Cincinnati-Marietta railroad trains ran through. After the Cincinnati-Marietta Railroad company merged with another Baltimore company, train traffic still went through, just not as much. In the 1980s, trains stopped running through Moonville completely. Today, the town is almost completely empty, save for 2 houses Dad and I saw. The tunnel still sits there. Some railroad track is still visible, but much of it is overgrown or broken into pieces. Some of the ghost stories for the tunnel include:

1.) A brakeman was “drunk” and fell off the train. The train crushed his legs and he died before amputation could be done.
2.) A headless conductor walks the tunnel with a lantern, searching for his train (the light has been seen by college students who were exploring; one ran down to see who was carrying it and came running out screaming that no one was there...however, these students were drinking).
3.) An old woman was killed while walking near the track. They say whenever you smell lavender, she is walking near you.

The trip took us 6 hours. Dad and I left town around 9:30 a.m. We stopped at a Skyline Chili near Columbus, then continued down to Logan. As we reached Logan, we started driving into very rural, somewhat poor neighborhoods. We had reached “Appalachia”, where Moonville was.

From what I saw online, and from our Google Maps, we should run right into the tunnel. We drove through 10 minutes of paved road, with mountain on one side and deep ravine on the other. After 10 minutes, the road became unpaved. After 30 minutes of driving through paved and unpaved roads, Dad and I were nervous.  We stopped at a new house being built and asked for directions.

We drove back to a parking lot and parked. Only 300 feet of woodsy trail separated us from ghosts!

We found the trail. It was COVERED with poison ivy, brier, and poison oak. With branches jutting out onto the trail, Dad and I held up our arms and sidled through the entire way. On top of that, it was sprinkling, meaning the trail, consisting of mud, was slick. Another yuck: it was hot and humid. NOT hiking weather. Dad and I were both sweating within minutes of taking off. Another problem? We were walking right next to a stinky creek. The smell was unbearable. Lastly: THE MOSQUITOES. They were EVERYWHERE, attacking Dad and I nonstop. I got 10 bites all over my arms.

Dad went first on the trail and had to help me get across and up many slopes. After walking 1/2 MILE, we reached a steep slope made of sand and gravel. Dad said, “I have a feeling this is it.” He ran up the slope. I made it 3/4 of the way up, stopped to find my next footing, and watched my feet slip down to the bottom. When I hit the bottom, I hear Dad scream, “This is it! Wow, it’s huge.” I try once again to stumble up, but slide back down, this time almost falling backwards. I make it halfway up. I break into sobs because I literally cannot push myself anymore. I couldn’t do it. I did not see the Moonville Tunnel. I was devastated. 6 hours of driving for nothing. Dad came back down and said that it was OK; that if I did get up, I would not get down. He took one step down and slid the rest of the way.

Another 1/2 mile back, me using my purse as a bug swatter, and Dad and I brushed the bugs off, jumped in the car, and took off. We had both seen the Lake Hope State Park, which housed Hope Furnace, also supposedly haunted. This site was much more accessible to the public, and eerie when you walked up to it. As soon as I can find my camera, pictures will be up.

Hope Furnace is a blast furnace located near Logan. They smelted iron ore between 1854 and 1874.  

All in all, a fun trip with Dad, but sad because I couldn’t see the thing I had gone to see. 

NEXT: Tribe game. The family went to Cleveland to see an Indians game. They lost 10-3 to Detroit. But we had so much fun. Best part of the game: Brother and I found PORTABLE MARGARITA MACHINES.

NEXT (yesterday): Port Clinton. We live about 45 minutes from Port Clinton, and we love going as a family. Yesterday, we went and spent half the day there. First, we went to Coffee Express, a small local coffee shop with DELICIOUS muffins and bagels. Next was one of my favorite stores: Great Lakes Popcorn Company. This place carries popcorn (surprise) and candied nuts. Their popcorn comes in many different flavors: butter and salt, caramel, cheddar, grape, green apple, chocolate drizzle, blueberry, peach, Kahlua, etc...I got a big bag of Island Mix (white cheddar and caramel). After that, we went to Cheese Haven. This place sells cheeses, meats, jams and jellies, drinks, alcohol, sweets, etc... I got a link of “summer sausage”. Then, we drove to Bergman’s Orchard, where we picked up fresh cantaloupe, peaches, cherry pie filling, green beans, and mushrooms. Lastly, we drove out to a small park on Lake Erie near the Marblehead Lighthouse, where we got to see Cedar Point straight out from the water’s edge.

I’ll end this rambling post with my goal for this week: 

Eat a healthy breakfast.

Here is the explanation from Sparkpeople: 

“Most people skip over the most important meal of the day. And most breakfast foods are high in sugar, fat, and simple carbohydrates that spike your blood sugar and leave you feeling hungry. The right combination of fiber and protein will give you an energy boost in the morning and get you started on the right foot. A few breakfast favorites are equipped with the protein and fiber you’ll need. For protein, a couple of eggs, a serving of Greek yogurt, or some low-fat dairy will fit the bill. For fiber, there select oatmeal, whole-grain toast or whole-grain cereals. Try to create a new habit of eating breakfast every day. Studies show that breakfast eaters eat less throughout the day and are more likely to manage their weight.”

I will be (try to) posting pictures of “a week in breakfasts” at the end of the week, so you can see what I eat here at home. Hope you have a good week! See you tomorrow.

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