Friday, March 30, 2012


I hate days like this. Over the past week, I have noticed that I am DEFINITELY slipping away from my first day, ready-to-go, determined self. I feel like I've become complacent with my life and the schedule I have. Here is my schedule:

5:00 a.m.= wake up/take shower
5:15 a.m. = get dressed
5:30 a.m. = make-up
5:45 a.m. = breakfast (usually I watch the news during this time)
6:15 a.m. = brush teeth/get ready to leave for school
6:30 a.m. = leave for school
7:00 a.m. = make copies, get resources and room ready
7:25 a.m. = hall duty
8:00 a.m. = class
11:25 a.m. = leave for high school (I usually eat a packed lunch while on the road)
11:40ish a.m = arrive at high school
12:00 p.m. = class
2:30 p.m. = class done
3:30 p.m. (to 10:30 p.m.) = get home
4:00 p.m. = write lesson plan 1
5:00 p.m. = dinner
5:30 p.m. = write lesson plan 2
6:30 p.m. = write lesson plan 3
7:30 p.m. = break
8:00 p.m. = write lesson plan 4 (last for middle school in morning)
9:00 p.m. = get ready for bed
9:30 p.m. = read
10:00 p.m. = bed

So, there's my daily schedule. I follow it as much as I can. Notice that this leaves no time for lesson plans for the high school. Also, it leaves me VERY LITTLE TIME to DO anything other than schoolworkschoolwork. I have NO planning/free periods during the day--from one place to another, teaching all the time.

A little more background information on me: pop, that's one of my main downfalls. It is so convenient and easy to grab (hello drive-thrus!); my "meal plans" are not the best--any meals I don't like on the meal plan I use, I replace with whatever's on sale at the grocery store that week (which is usually frozen dinners, and not really the healthy ones), so it could use a lot of work. I (try to remember to) take a bottle of water with me to school each day to help my voice from all the singing.

Exercise is non-existent, as is obvious from my schedule. I don't know how people do it.

My own will control is very weak. I am working so hard on fixing this, but it seems like nothing's working.

Wednesdays, I have class from 4-5:30 p.m., and am usually not back until almost 6. That should be it.

Now it's your turn, few blog readers. WHAT can I possibly do to get back on track to a healthy lifestyle with a schedule like this? What can I do to make my life better/easier?

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