Friday, June 22, 2012


This is late, but the first movie I rented from the library this summer was "Abduction". Taylor Lautner (of Twilight fame) stars as Nathan, a young teen who seems pretty rebellious, drinking and partying for the first (at least) 5 minutes of the movie. Yes, during the movie, you do see his abs--but not as much as I thought they would show...which wasn't bad, just different than I thought. Lily Collins is his neighbor, Karen, who at first disapproves of him, but learns to love him. They find a website with missing children with Nathan's picture on it. Maria Bello (known for "A History of Violence") plays his adoptive mother and Jason Issacs (of Harry Potter fame--Draco's father) played the adoptive father. After Nathan finds out he's "missing", he and Karen, with the help of a family friend, played by Sigourney Weaver ("Avatar", "Holes"), go on to learn about Nathan's past.

On , it was given a pretty poor review, and sadly, I agree. I don't know if I like the basic concept of the movie...I was slightly confused at some points. But the acting...was flimsy...while Taylor Lautner plays a GREAT werewolf/friend/secret lover/imprinter on babies, he just did not do that well as the true main character in the movie. His acting, when put in the spotlight, is not that good. Lily Collins was not that good, either.

Overall, I agree with Rotten Tomatoes. No one could save this movie...

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