Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Georgia on my Mind

I've been off of blogging for quite some time, but I do have a solid reason. I have been packing and preparing for a road trip to Atlanta, GA for a convention!

I am in SAI (I don't think I've ever mentioned that!), which stands for Sigma Alpha Iota. Sigma Alpha Iota is a professional womens' music fraternity dedicated to furthering women composers and their music, cultivating excellence in performance, and donates to multiple charities and musical organizations. (This is just a brief explanation; to see more, go to ).

This is a triennial convention, and it is the first time I am going to a convention. I am so excited, especially since I get to meet 2 new girls tomorrow who will be my roommates!!

So far, this week has consisted of gathering paper work, getting the schedule of convention finalized, finishing paperwork for rental cars, hotels, etc... and contacting roommates for last minute info. Quite busy.

Last night, Mom and I packed ALL of my clothes I would need. I am so organized in my packing of clothes, I even wrote a schedule of what to wear each day. It's quite epic. This morning, I finished packing toiletries and snacks. Mom and I made eggs and ham and cheese croissants, and then we were off to pick up our separate rental cars!

We left for Norwalk (Mom's hometown) at 9:40, left the rental car parking lot at 10:15, and were on our way. Our stops included our oh-so-favorite gas station in Mansfield right before I-71 S, and then continued onto I-71 S. Applebee's was our lunch, and we finally got to KY, and Berea, where I am currently sitting writing this blog. Tomorrow morning, I pick the first roommate up at 6ish, then to the second roommate, and then down to ATLANTA!! I will post pictures of this event hopefully soon after the convention is over, but until then, I will be gone until the 8th. Ta-ta for now!

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