Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weather madness, adjustments @ home, etc...

Today is all about a random mash-up of topics. Bear with me here...

Topic #1: So, some jobs are not working out, and I got my first official "the position's been filled" rejection from a school I was really hoping for. While I thought that I would be devastated about this, I was (unfortunately?) relieved. On the one hand, I was sad--a good job prospect, gone. On the other hand, this meant that I could focus, hard, on looking and applying for other jobs. Recently, more jobs have opened in my home state of O-ee-o, which means no messy, icky transfer of certificates!

Topic #2: WEATHER. The weather must be on its lady cycle. I swear. When I first got home, it was fine. No rain, sunny every couldn't have asked for better weather! Then BAM! Bring on the heat wave, with temps topping to 96-98 degrees (this might be normal for you; NOT US). Heat index--well above 100. The car I drove read 103 for days in a row. Today was another scorcher in the 90s. I was looking forward to grilled chicken kabobs, when I hear Bro say, "Oh, severe thunderstorm watch." Oh, ok, nothing bad, probably a 30% chance of a thunderstorm. WHAM!!! Immediately after, a severe thunderstorm warning followed by a tornado warning. After that came rapidly darkening skies, a torrential downpour, and winds that almost took down our dead Japanese plum tree (darn it--just not powerful enough). I, naturally, freaked out, because here is Dad, plodding along taking his good old time outside putting away misc. yard items. Finally, Mom and I both tell Dad to get inside, and he does. By this time, the storm had really taken off. The grilling was (finally) postponed to tomorrow night, when all should be calm (and I'm sure sweltering). Thank goodness now we are in a break. Some damage is done--flooding of our street, possibly some limbs down, and me-wet because Dad suddenly needed the mailbox to be closed, and I was the one to do it.

Topic #3: Adjustments at home. During college (especially this year), I began to realize something that I thought would never happen: I CAN eat appropriately by myself. Hard to believe, but yes, I pay attention to what I eat more when I'm alone. Also, I find myself buying more healthy things when alone. What I was truly afraid of when I got home was that since I was not controlling what was bought at the grocery store, my good eating habits that I had formed at college would vanish, and it would be an even worse struggle to lose weight.

While I haven't (and didn't plan on) taking over the dinner meals for the family to arrange them to my meal plans, Mom has been helpful in purchasing whatever I would like for healthy meals or snacks. Now it's getting easier to watch what I eat here. Thank goodness!

The end of my rant. Thank you for reading. You deserve a tip for reading all of that: Don't do drugs.

Any weather damage around you? How do you keep cool in the heat of the summer?

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