Monday, September 24, 2012

Music Monday & a book review

Hello again! Hopefully this week, I can stay on track with blogging. This past weekend, I was gone in Cincinnati for the 2012 Zinzinnati Oktoberfest (which by the way was amazing), and now I am back for a PACKED week. Today, I am practicing organ and have a 12 o'clock appointment with my FREE PERSONAL TRAINER working out (oh yah).

Since it is Monday, I thought I would get back in the swing of things with a new music choice:

Trans-Siberian Orchestra "Another Way You Can Die"

This song comes off of their "Night Castle" CD (2 volumes), the newest music they have out there. The "Night Castle" CDs are not Christmas music, but instead a story created from songs. I love it!

Next is a book review. After reading through some new books I bought (Ayn Rand's Anthem and The Help I have finally been back to my local library. Today's book review is: "Crying Wolf" by Peter Abrahams.

At first, this plot was a bit confusing, especially after I read a short summary of it. It is about a young man who heads to college, leaving a family and girlfriend behind. There, he meets twin girls who have a rich (although somewhat messed up) family. He spends Christmas break with the family and gets involved (hmmhmm) with one of the twins.

While this is happening, another sidestory is happening as well. "Freedy" is a pool cleaner in CA who moves back east to his mom's (near the college the students go to). There, he steals appliances and sells them to his friend's dad, who again sells them.

Back to the twins and "Nat". They discover underground tunnels in the school (how they heat the college), and find a completely furnished room. In this room, they listen to music (Rigoletto!) and drink century-old booze.

In the end, one twin is kidnapped by you'll never guess who, the other twin and "Nat" pay ransom, and there are some surprising last-minute switches!

Overall, a good book, but I question some characters' reason of being there. Such as the philosophy prof. Did I mention him up there? No? That's why. I am still not sure why he was in the plot...oh well. Good book aside from that!

Read any good books lately? Are you a fan of TSO? If so, what's your favorite song?

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