Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday...I love these days

Ahhhhh... My favorite day of the week, currently. But before I get into WHY I love Sundays, my goal of the week: Give yourself some slack. *sigh* I can do this one. ;) If you are stressed about preparing healthy meals every day, use what some experts call the "80/20" rule in your eating. If 80% of what you eat is healthy, then allow yourself to take it a little easier for the remaining 20%. You and your diet will survive. OK, now onto my favorite part of Sundays--my mornings. Saturdays, I sleep in, usually until 8-9. Sundays, however, I get up around 6, and get ready to go. I go to Panera in Hyde Park, and enjoy some alone time, time just for me to relax, catch my breath, and prepare for the coming week. After Panera, I go to the Kroger in Hyde Park, and shop for the week of groceries. I look forward to this all week: time to relax and slow down in my life. Alone, with no one bothering me or hanging around. This is usually the time I call my parents to talk, although they go to church right as I get to Panera. This happening occurs most Sundays. Sometimes, I go to church, sometimes I catch breakfast with a friend, but usually I just want the "me time". I <3 today. What do you do in your free time to relax or catch your breath from a busy week?

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