Sunday, March 11, 2012


Another week flies by!!! As they say, time flies when you're having fun, which is definitely what was happening this week/end.

While this week was really busy, it was a good kind of busy: student teaching is slowly starting to get back into full gear. I love student teaching. There is just something about it that I enjoy SO MUCH. Everyday I head south to KY, I get a big smile on my face, my whole attitude brightens up, and I get so excited.

So, this Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings, I went to the middle school. It was so much fun!!!!!! And next week, I'm going all day Tuesday-Thursday, AND teaching warm-ups to the choirs!!!!! :D AHHH!!!!!!!! So pumped!

That's my success in student teaching. Now, my success in my journey. I have COMPLETELY stopped going to Starbucks. That costs 1600-1800 cals/wk. WOW. I realized why I decided to stop--I love SB frapps, don't get me wrong. I mean, a peppermint mocha frapp? Yes, PLEEZ. However, I can get nearly the same thing at Panera in the form of a frozen mocha. And since I usually only go to Panera once a week, that's only one drink a week (570 cals, but once a week, it becomes a treat). Yay for the small successes!!

This means the low-sugar goal is going well. I do NOT want to know how much sugar a frapp has....eeek....

New goal: stock up on healthy, portable snacks.

"When you are grocery shopping, pick up bags of baby carrots, string cheese, nuts, fresh and dried fruit, single serving packs of applesauce, yogurt, wholegrain crackers, peanut butter, turkey jerky, etc...Having healthy portable snacks around will help you avoid bad vending-machine, convenience store, and fast food options."

I am not good with snacks. At home, I loved having snacks around, and we always did. I just loved eating them. And eating them. And eating them. At school this year, I have actually done the opposite and had NO snacks around the place. This causes me to get up and go to a restaurant down below me (I live above food places and retail shops) and grab a cookie or chips. While this is fine (I AM getting up), these snacks are nowhere NEAR healthy, which is what I'm looking for. I have decided this week to buy some portable, healthy snacks: string cheese, yogurt, fruit, baby carrots, peanut butter, and pretzels (they're not listed, but are not extremely bad for you). I also have applesauce. This goal is perfect for me because this week, I'll be packing my lunch daily, and I can add these to my lunch as a quick treat/pick-me-up during the morning.

More to come on my weekend with Mom, and then some music and a NEW RECIPE!!! (hint: chicken wings)

PS: anybody ever try dried fruit or turkey-jerky? I have never tried these. Any suggestions on other portable, healthy snacks?

1 comment:

  1. I love fruit leather! You should definitely check it out - I think Trader Joe's has the best selection. I also have almonds and clementines with me at all times, and they're so helpful for random hunger throughout the day.
