It's that time of the week again: time for a new goal. My previous goal was to drink water throughout the day. That has been going...ok...I am now carrying around my pink water bottle as much as I can. Time to add another goal.
Goal #3:
Cut back on the amount of soda and coffee you drink.
Sparkpeople says: "Sugar and caffeine dehydrate you and create energy rushes followed by crashes, which are ultimately energy-depleting. Substitute with drinks like green tea or 100% fruit juice."
Wow. Was this goal created for me, or what? Pop and I...well, we go way back. I have been an avid fan of "pop" ("soda, "soda-pop", etc...) since I can remember (5 years old?). I feel (and I hate feeling this way) that it has become more of a serious addiction than a reward. At my worst, I would drink 5 cans (60 oz. which I am pretty sure = well over a liter), or 2 20-oz bottles (40 oz.) a day. That was during high school. During college, I have fluctuated so much, but I have NEVER gotten back to 5 cans, which I am happy about. This is why, I must admit, I was very excited about the last goal of carrying water around all day--if I had a drink already, I wouldn't feel like I need pop.
And then this goal comes up, and I swear it's speaking directly to ME! I love pop and sugary Starbucks Frappucinos! This could be a great way for me to save money as well by not going to Starbucks.
Now, onto new things: 2 weeks ago, my phone of 3(?) years up and broke on me--the speaker would not work and the only way I could hear anyone was if I put them on speaker. The OMEA conference was this weekend in Columbus, and my parents came down to visit (~ halfway between home and Cincy). They told me to purchase my own in Cincy later, but then we found a Verizon store right in the convention center. One hour later, I walk out of the Verizon store with a brand spankin' new iPhone! Ta-da!!!
I didn't really want to fall prey to iPhones, but man, this thing sure is nice.
Enjoy the week! Coming up: Music Monday, Post-recital thoughts, recipe of the week, and a new goal.
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