Ok, so I promised that I would list some of my favorite healthy snacks, so here they are!
Sure, you can grab for pop (it's quick out of a vending machine), or chips, or candy--all quick out of a vending machine, actually.
BUUUTTTTT......how about grabbing for these? Or packing them in the morning for your busy day? These snacks are PORTABLE!
--low-fat cheese cubes
--hardboiled eggs
--deviled eggs (wrapped in plastic)
--fresh fruit yogurt cup (add in fruit for a boost)
--trail mix
--vegetable sticks with a little packet of dip (low-fat salad dressing packets you can find in salad bars)
--half of a turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread
--yogurt and granola
--leftover chicken or turkey slices (these are really good cold)
--healthy fiber-rich or whole-grain cereal (think Cheerios in a little plastic baggy??)
--half of a whole-wheat bagel with light cream cheese
--apples, banana, strawberries, etc....=any portable fruit
--whole-wheat crackers and low-fat string cheese
--grapes in a baggy
--fruit smoothie in a thermos
--cottage cheese in mini-containers (these are available; just look in your grocer's dairy/cottage cheese section)
Hope these help you make small, but healthful, changes in your daily routines!
This blog is about my life as an aspiring music teacher and my weight loss battle.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
So, this is a new topic I'm starting today...just thought it would be fun to show great music that I love!
Today's song:
Love on Top--Beyoncé
I am in LOVE with this song. I found it via a Youtube search where I was looking for new music to add to my music collection. It's not exactly new--written last year--but it is still AMAZING! As a music major, I truly appreciate the 4 (that's right, 4) key changes!! Also, Beyoncé is just fabulous herself. I love listening to this on the way to class--it's a good pick me up song! Check out the music video here:
LOVE. Enjoy Monday.
Today's song:
Love on Top--Beyoncé
I am in LOVE with this song. I found it via a Youtube search where I was looking for new music to add to my music collection. It's not exactly new--written last year--but it is still AMAZING! As a music major, I truly appreciate the 4 (that's right, 4) key changes!! Also, Beyoncé is just fabulous herself. I love listening to this on the way to class--it's a good pick me up song! Check out the music video here:
LOVE. Enjoy Monday.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Week 3 ALREADY?!?!?
Woah. This week went by fast; it must have passed in between prepping for boards, Praxis II, tests, papers, and FaustFaustFaust.
Last week's goal went really well: by cutting back on my pop and sugary coffee drinks, I cut out a total (drum roll, please)....1500 CALORIES!!!!! :) That's like a day's worth of calories! Ow! Let's keep this up!! I could get used to that.
This week's goal: Replace high-sugar foods with low-sugar foods.
I have a feeling this is going to be tough. This week is one of those weeks that may show that you can still have the foods you normally eat, even if you are trying to lose weight. It could also show just how much of a sugar addiction I have...Sparkpeople says:
Cutting back on the amount of refined sugar you consume helps reduce calories and gain and also helps you avoid the energy slumps that come from sugar withdrawal (I have these!). Items high in refined sugar include most soft drinks, cereal, baked goods, and of course, candy and ice cream. Look for low-sugar or no-sugar versions of these, or simply opt for healthy snacks instead.
Later in the week, I will have a list of some "healthy snacks" up here that are easy to make or find.
Coming up: Music Monday, recipe of the week, healthy snacks are yummy, post-board excitement?---I promise, this time, these will be coming people!!!
PPS: Look out next week for the 1-month checkup! It's a big one!
Last week's goal went really well: by cutting back on my pop and sugary coffee drinks, I cut out a total (drum roll, please)....1500 CALORIES!!!!! :) That's like a day's worth of calories! Ow! Let's keep this up!! I could get used to that.
This week's goal: Replace high-sugar foods with low-sugar foods.
I have a feeling this is going to be tough. This week is one of those weeks that may show that you can still have the foods you normally eat, even if you are trying to lose weight. It could also show just how much of a sugar addiction I have...Sparkpeople says:
Cutting back on the amount of refined sugar you consume helps reduce calories and gain and also helps you avoid the energy slumps that come from sugar withdrawal (I have these!). Items high in refined sugar include most soft drinks, cereal, baked goods, and of course, candy and ice cream. Look for low-sugar or no-sugar versions of these, or simply opt for healthy snacks instead.
Later in the week, I will have a list of some "healthy snacks" up here that are easy to make or find.
Coming up: Music Monday, recipe of the week, healthy snacks are yummy, post-board excitement?---I promise, this time, these will be coming people!!!
PPS: Look out next week for the 1-month checkup! It's a big one!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Post-recital thoughts and a check-up
Post-recital thoughts: BAHGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!! Not trying to brag here, but I am pretty da** proud of myself. 3 years ago, I thought that this would be impossible. In fact, quite a FEW people thought that I could never do this. But ha. I proved them all wrong, and I did a dang good job at it. As I was prepping myself backstage (taking deep breaths, rerererechecking my recital order, and telling myself I could do it), early college memories came flooding back.
My senior year of high school was the year I decided to definitely go into music. After I told my teachers, the first thing I said was that I would play in Carnegie Hall. Their response: "We want front row seats." My practice schedule in high school was roughly 30 minutes/day. That's right--5 minutes here and there just playing. People balk at this idea, or find it comical. But it worked. If you believe it didn't, then how the he** did I get into one of the best conservatories in the US?
Freshman year was a time of discovery for me. I had never been away from my parents for more than 3 weeks (in France when I was 10), and I was now many hours away. I just kept my usual practice schedule, and more often, I DIDN'T practice for weeks/months at a time. A week before my first board (ps: I was the first pianist to have a board at 8 a.m.), my piano teacher predicted my boards result: "Morgan, you know, there is always next year. Unfortunately, for the summer, you will NOT be in college. Next year, you will have to reaudition to get back into CCM. This year is just not going to be good." I was scared, sad, but most of all, that statement fueled me. I LOVE challenges. So, I saw this as a challenge. The weekend before boards (mine was Monday, went home Friday night), I practiced for 6 hours on both Saturday and Sunday, frantically memorizing music. Monday morning, I woke up at 6, took a shower, and got ready. As I was getting ready, a fire alarm went off, and we all waited outside for 15 minutes. I went back up and finished getting ready. Another fire alarm went off, so I just grabbed my books and went to practice. 1 hour later, my piano professor stood in front of me, mouth agape, questioning how I had been able to pull it off. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "I like a challenge."
Sophomore year was roughly the same. I practiced a LITTLE more, but not much. My prediction was a bit better: "Morgan, you might make it this year. But I'm not too sure." Once again, I went home, practiced, and knocked it out of the ballpark.
Junior year, I got a new piano teacher! This year, I was determined to get better at practicing. Practicing was....ok....this year, and the prediction was better: a week before, I was told that I was ready! Again, aced it.
This year, I practiced my BUTT off!!!!! 2.5+ hours daily! And it worked. The first thing my piano professor said to me as I walked out of the backstage area to get congratulated was "I knew you'd pull it off!" It was a great feeling. A LOT of my friends were there to congratulate me, and I was able to have my family and aunt down there! It was THE best night of my college life.
This recital helped me regain my passion for piano, and for that, I'm truly grateful.
Ah, yes, a check-up as well. For Lent, I gave up pop, which I realized might be a bad idea going cold turkey. So, still keeping my weekly goals, but I have decided to give up cursing. I am always telling my mom that I want to be more girlie, and one thing she says is "Classy ladies don't cuss." Oh, man....you should hear the words I came up to replace them. Mother of fudge and all chocolate! Darnbarn it! GodblessAmericana!!! Fudgeisyummy! Shi-takealot! My other goal of not drinking as many sugary drinks is going well--my first Starbucks drink of the week was yesterday, and I got a small. One a week?!?! Unheard of for me! Success!! :D
My senior year of high school was the year I decided to definitely go into music. After I told my teachers, the first thing I said was that I would play in Carnegie Hall. Their response: "We want front row seats." My practice schedule in high school was roughly 30 minutes/day. That's right--5 minutes here and there just playing. People balk at this idea, or find it comical. But it worked. If you believe it didn't, then how the he** did I get into one of the best conservatories in the US?
Freshman year was a time of discovery for me. I had never been away from my parents for more than 3 weeks (in France when I was 10), and I was now many hours away. I just kept my usual practice schedule, and more often, I DIDN'T practice for weeks/months at a time. A week before my first board (ps: I was the first pianist to have a board at 8 a.m.), my piano teacher predicted my boards result: "Morgan, you know, there is always next year. Unfortunately, for the summer, you will NOT be in college. Next year, you will have to reaudition to get back into CCM. This year is just not going to be good." I was scared, sad, but most of all, that statement fueled me. I LOVE challenges. So, I saw this as a challenge. The weekend before boards (mine was Monday, went home Friday night), I practiced for 6 hours on both Saturday and Sunday, frantically memorizing music. Monday morning, I woke up at 6, took a shower, and got ready. As I was getting ready, a fire alarm went off, and we all waited outside for 15 minutes. I went back up and finished getting ready. Another fire alarm went off, so I just grabbed my books and went to practice. 1 hour later, my piano professor stood in front of me, mouth agape, questioning how I had been able to pull it off. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "I like a challenge."
Sophomore year was roughly the same. I practiced a LITTLE more, but not much. My prediction was a bit better: "Morgan, you might make it this year. But I'm not too sure." Once again, I went home, practiced, and knocked it out of the ballpark.
Junior year, I got a new piano teacher! This year, I was determined to get better at practicing. Practicing was....ok....this year, and the prediction was better: a week before, I was told that I was ready! Again, aced it.
This year, I practiced my BUTT off!!!!! 2.5+ hours daily! And it worked. The first thing my piano professor said to me as I walked out of the backstage area to get congratulated was "I knew you'd pull it off!" It was a great feeling. A LOT of my friends were there to congratulate me, and I was able to have my family and aunt down there! It was THE best night of my college life.
This recital helped me regain my passion for piano, and for that, I'm truly grateful.
Ah, yes, a check-up as well. For Lent, I gave up pop, which I realized might be a bad idea going cold turkey. So, still keeping my weekly goals, but I have decided to give up cursing. I am always telling my mom that I want to be more girlie, and one thing she says is "Classy ladies don't cuss." Oh, man....you should hear the words I came up to replace them. Mother of fudge and all chocolate! Darnbarn it! GodblessAmericana!!! Fudgeisyummy! Shi-takealot! My other goal of not drinking as many sugary drinks is going well--my first Starbucks drink of the week was yesterday, and I got a small. One a week?!?! Unheard of for me! Success!! :D
Sunday, February 19, 2012
New goal and new THINGS!

It's that time of the week again: time for a new goal. My previous goal was to drink water throughout the day. That has been going...ok...I am now carrying around my pink water bottle as much as I can. Time to add another goal.
Goal #3:
Cut back on the amount of soda and coffee you drink.
Sparkpeople says: "Sugar and caffeine dehydrate you and create energy rushes followed by crashes, which are ultimately energy-depleting. Substitute with drinks like green tea or 100% fruit juice."
Wow. Was this goal created for me, or what? Pop and I...well, we go way back. I have been an avid fan of "pop" ("soda, "soda-pop", etc...) since I can remember (5 years old?). I feel (and I hate feeling this way) that it has become more of a serious addiction than a reward. At my worst, I would drink 5 cans (60 oz. which I am pretty sure = well over a liter), or 2 20-oz bottles (40 oz.) a day. That was during high school. During college, I have fluctuated so much, but I have NEVER gotten back to 5 cans, which I am happy about. This is why, I must admit, I was very excited about the last goal of carrying water around all day--if I had a drink already, I wouldn't feel like I need pop.
And then this goal comes up, and I swear it's speaking directly to ME! I love pop and sugary Starbucks Frappucinos! This could be a great way for me to save money as well by not going to Starbucks.
Now, onto new things: 2 weeks ago, my phone of 3(?) years up and broke on me--the speaker would not work and the only way I could hear anyone was if I put them on speaker. The OMEA conference was this weekend in Columbus, and my parents came down to visit (~ halfway between home and Cincy). They told me to purchase my own in Cincy later, but then we found a Verizon store right in the convention center. One hour later, I walk out of the Verizon store with a brand spankin' new iPhone! Ta-da!!!
I didn't really want to fall prey to iPhones, but man, this thing sure is nice.
Enjoy the week! Coming up: Music Monday, Post-recital thoughts, recipe of the week, and a new goal.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day, one and all!
I love today, even though I'm single. I treat myself to a gift sometimes. Today, it will most likely be dinner out.
Everyone is usually so happy today, and in honor of that happiness, joy, and LOVE (<3), I pick some of my favorite love songs!
La Vie En Rose--Edith Piaf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zFc7nIJnvo&ob=av2n
I'm biased about this: it's in French, the language of love.
I Love You for Sentimental Reasons--Nat King Cole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oWbzT_oAJ0
Anything with NKC is guaranteed greatness.
The Way You Look Tonight--Frank Sinatra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9ZGKALMMuc
Of course, one of my favorite artists of all time.
Someone to Watch Over Me--Ella Fitzgerald http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYEeAOTIQ2c
A legend.
When I Fall in Love--NKC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfAb0gNPy6s
I've loved this song for years.
At Last--Etta James http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1uunRdQ61M
L-O-V-E--NKC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JErVP6xLZwg
Enjoy with your loved one, friends, or by yourself!
I love today, even though I'm single. I treat myself to a gift sometimes. Today, it will most likely be dinner out.
Everyone is usually so happy today, and in honor of that happiness, joy, and LOVE (<3), I pick some of my favorite love songs!
La Vie En Rose--Edith Piaf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zFc7nIJnvo&ob=av2n
I'm biased about this: it's in French, the language of love.
I Love You for Sentimental Reasons--Nat King Cole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oWbzT_oAJ0
Anything with NKC is guaranteed greatness.
The Way You Look Tonight--Frank Sinatra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9ZGKALMMuc
Of course, one of my favorite artists of all time.
Someone to Watch Over Me--Ella Fitzgerald http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYEeAOTIQ2c
A legend.
When I Fall in Love--NKC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfAb0gNPy6s
I've loved this song for years.
At Last--Etta James http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1uunRdQ61M
L-O-V-E--NKC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JErVP6xLZwg
Enjoy with your loved one, friends, or by yourself!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Stress:1 Morgan:0
Ah ha. So THIS is what stress really feels like. My weekly goal this past week was to carry a water bottle around with me wherever I go. Well, that did not happen. This week, I had my first midterm on Monday (1 of 2--I feel pretty lucky about the low number). That wasn't really what stressed me out. What REALLY stressed me out was Thursday night: my senior solo recital. This stressor truly did NOT help: especially during midterm week and during an audition weekend... but it is now over. The recital itself was...probably one of the best moments of my life. I will never forget it. I am a performer at heart. I love being on stage, in the center of the stage. Yes, I enjoy performing with an ensemble, but only to a point. This recital was different: it was all about ME. The week leading up to it--was a tad stressful. 6 hour practice days, followed by lots of homework and multiple outside of class things to do, just added to my stress. I'm glad it's over, but I'm sad because the moment is gone. I did really well! I talked to my piano professor, who said (multiple times) that he was so proud of me and that it was the most musical he had ever heard me. He told my parents that I was a rare TRUE musician, and that he was honored to have me as a student. I feel honored to have HIM as my piano professor! I talked to him yesterday, and he said basically the same things. It was still good to see him and to hear that I made him proud. That was my goal Thursday night: I wanted to make DR proud. He has helped me through so much.
Now, I turn to another week--another midterm, a late night rehearsal, and half a week gone for the OMEA conference. Sure, there will be stress, but I am learning to handle it, week by week. This week's goal will stay the same from last week--carry a water bottle with me throughout the day. I still need to work on this habit. Wish me luck!
Now, I turn to another week--another midterm, a late night rehearsal, and half a week gone for the OMEA conference. Sure, there will be stress, but I am learning to handle it, week by week. This week's goal will stay the same from last week--carry a water bottle with me throughout the day. I still need to work on this habit. Wish me luck!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Water water everywhere...

Today is Sunday, and the start to another week: time for a new goal! My first goal was to write down EVERYTHING I eat, which I have been doing faithfully each day. This helps me see just how much I really eat, and how calorically high my meals are...
A few days ago, I got an e-mail from Sparkpeople (mentioned in a previous blog). I had been wondering what to choose as my next goal, but I didn't know where to start. The e-mail was titled, "13 ways to fit more healthy habits into your hectic life". Oh, perfect! These would be wonderful goals! My life is hectic, as I'm sure all of ours are, and changing small habits...well, I can do that. With that in mind I present.....
week #2 goal:
Drink water throughout the day.
Here's some info from Sparkpeople on WHY water is so good for you (it's not only good for battling dehydration):
You don't hear this nearly enough: water is an all-purpose wonder-substance. It's great for your skin, your digestive system, and circulatory system, and aids in weight loss and cellulite reduction. If you feel fatigued during the day, it's often because you aren't hydrated properly. Drink water throughout the day, sipping from a large bottle or glass. If you have it nearby, it's easy to remember. If you don't like the "taste" of water, keep a supply of lemon so that you can add a slice to your water--it cuts any bitterness, adds a bit of Vitamin C and makes it more festive!
Huh. So water does a lot. I will conquer this goal--with my trusty Nalgene water bottle in hand (note: pictured above)! Rarg C-paw!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I'll be in my studio studio!
Day 2:
Today was probably one of the most productive days I have had in a LONG time. I practiced for 5 1/2 hours---yes, that's right--5 1/2 hours, just to memorize this piece for studio tonight. Then, I ended up not even playing it!
What I did play was: Bach Prelude and Fugue in C# Major Book 2 AND Brahms Intermezzo in A Major Op. 118. Look them up on Youtube. The Brahms will melt your heart.
Studio went well tonight, surprisingly! I played through the pieces and I only messed up briefly once or twice in each. Overall, as my teacher said, I have come a LONG way since last Saturday, when I ran through my program and couldn't even get through one piece without making a mistake.
Oh, ps...during those 5 1/2 hours of practice, I was also able to squeeze in studying for and taking an exam, lunch, dinner, and homework for tomorrow. Take that, lazy days.
My goal this week was to write down ALL that I ate....and I was successful today. If you're ever looking to lose weight, maintain your weight, or just looking to watch what you eat, I suggest starting by writing down what you eat--all that you eat, everyday. It is QUITE surprising...not in a good way, at least for me....I'll keep writing down and begin to record where I can tweak my eating habits.
Stay classy, OH....
PPS: This video.....this is where I was tonight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cZ7OT7BmM8
PPPS: For those of you who aren't music majors or don't necessarily know, "studio" refers to a class once a night every two weeks- everyone under the same piano professor comes together to play in front of each other and get critiqued. My "program" includes the pieces I'm going to play at my recital.
Today was probably one of the most productive days I have had in a LONG time. I practiced for 5 1/2 hours---yes, that's right--5 1/2 hours, just to memorize this piece for studio tonight. Then, I ended up not even playing it!
What I did play was: Bach Prelude and Fugue in C# Major Book 2 AND Brahms Intermezzo in A Major Op. 118. Look them up on Youtube. The Brahms will melt your heart.
Studio went well tonight, surprisingly! I played through the pieces and I only messed up briefly once or twice in each. Overall, as my teacher said, I have come a LONG way since last Saturday, when I ran through my program and couldn't even get through one piece without making a mistake.
Oh, ps...during those 5 1/2 hours of practice, I was also able to squeeze in studying for and taking an exam, lunch, dinner, and homework for tomorrow. Take that, lazy days.
My goal this week was to write down ALL that I ate....and I was successful today. If you're ever looking to lose weight, maintain your weight, or just looking to watch what you eat, I suggest starting by writing down what you eat--all that you eat, everyday. It is QUITE surprising...not in a good way, at least for me....I'll keep writing down and begin to record where I can tweak my eating habits.
Stay classy, OH....
PPS: This video.....this is where I was tonight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cZ7OT7BmM8
PPPS: For those of you who aren't music majors or don't necessarily know, "studio" refers to a class once a night every two weeks- everyone under the same piano professor comes together to play in front of each other and get critiqued. My "program" includes the pieces I'm going to play at my recital.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
New Day
So, today is Day 1:
SO MUCH DRAMA!!!! Not the best day to start this journey, especially seeing as how I haven't really had the chance to focus on MYSELF lately....but I will not give up.
I went to the doctor in Dec. and told him about my goals and how I hoped to be off meds (for diabetes--I do not have--it is a precaution). He said he would like to see me drop 50 lbs. in a year. I know I can do that. He suggested that the first thing I should focus on is writing down everything I eat, and he offered an idea--use My Fitness Pal, an app. It tracks everything for you--even when you go out to eat! However, this is not useable for my technology, so I found a website that tracks food for me--Sparkpeople. This website can calculate nearly anything--which is good for me (math is not my forte).
Another of my goals was to be down to 123 pounds. The doc said this was a pretty lofty goal, and that I have to work in small chunks or I will always think I fail and never give myself a chance. Fine. *sigh* Rome wasn't built in a day. I have decided to break it down into weekly goals.
Week 1 goal: Record ALL that I eat. I have this bad tendency to SKIP on certain things I eat. Like, "Ooo. I ate 3 mini Hershey's. If I don't write them down, they don't count, right?"....that has to stop.
SO MUCH DRAMA!!!! Not the best day to start this journey, especially seeing as how I haven't really had the chance to focus on MYSELF lately....but I will not give up.
I went to the doctor in Dec. and told him about my goals and how I hoped to be off meds (for diabetes--I do not have--it is a precaution). He said he would like to see me drop 50 lbs. in a year. I know I can do that. He suggested that the first thing I should focus on is writing down everything I eat, and he offered an idea--use My Fitness Pal, an app. It tracks everything for you--even when you go out to eat! However, this is not useable for my technology, so I found a website that tracks food for me--Sparkpeople. This website can calculate nearly anything--which is good for me (math is not my forte).
Another of my goals was to be down to 123 pounds. The doc said this was a pretty lofty goal, and that I have to work in small chunks or I will always think I fail and never give myself a chance. Fine. *sigh* Rome wasn't built in a day. I have decided to break it down into weekly goals.
Week 1 goal: Record ALL that I eat. I have this bad tendency to SKIP on certain things I eat. Like, "Ooo. I ate 3 mini Hershey's. If I don't write them down, they don't count, right?"....that has to stop.
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