Good afternoon, all, and Happy Father’s Day!
It's New Goal Sunday, and my new goal is…well…finally new!
I think I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY have this frozen coffee drink obsession under control. I’ve been struggling big time with this. Frozen coffee drinks (frappucinos, frozen mochas, etc…) are some of my “comfort foods” but these (and pop) are my biggest downfall for weight loss. After my mom passed, I would have one every day. As the months went on, I tried to cut back on them, but would always create an excuse every morning to drink one anyways. Here’s an example:
Sunday: I get one every Sunday…that’s my choice. I take it while I practice at church.
Monday: Okay, I don’t need one today. Although, it’s Monday…and I hate Mondays…so I’ll get one.
Tuesday: You know, I didn’t sleep well last night. Maybe a caffeine jolt would help me…time for a frozen coffee drink.
Wednesday: I’ve got to substitute teach today…I will DEFINITELY need a frozen drink.
Thursday: Maybe today I actually won’t get one (and I usually don’t).
Friday: I made it through the week and it’s Friday! I’m getting one!
Saturday: I’m going to go to church and practice…I’ll need one of those.
See what I mean? I could make up any excuse, and my poor willpower would vanish in a second.
But now I think I FINALLY have it under control. I go on Sundays and that’s it.
So, the NEW part of my goal is to get to the gym one time this week to do some cardio, which will most likely be the treadmill. If you’ve never seen me on the elliptical…well, it's bad. Let’s just say, I tried it once, and sweated my butt off until sweat was dripping off my nose and face. All I could think was, “You go, girl! Way to get a nice, long, cardio workout!” I looked down at the machine…5 MINUTES. That was it. It was so embarrassing…
Have a great week!