Tuesday, December 26, 2017

New week, new feelings

Holy moly, guys. I haven't blogged in 6 months. Why? Um....crazy busy schedules, 3 concerts in 2 days, 4 church services in 1 day, etc...and on top of all that, I couldn't get my blog to load...I couldn't get to the page I needed to post an actual blog! My computer just kept refreshing it quickly, but would never actually get the full page up so I could write a blog post. I don't know what's going on, but for some reason I was able to get around that and write this post. I'll keep trying to stop this problem.
It's a new week, and so much has happened in the past 6 months that I WANT to update you with everything right now here in this post, but there's just so much. So, I will say this: 

I did another musical! 
I am slowly getting back into subbing!
I celebrated Mom's first anniversary of her passing!
I made plans to see friends! (p.s.: see you in less than a week, friends!)
I had 3 concerts in 2 days, but for one concert, I got to sit back and enjoy
I got sick (that's now)
I had a big health scare and am still struggling big-time with it

I think that about sums it up...I will go into detail in more blogs.
So, new week, lots of new going-ons...lots of emotions on Mom's favorite holiday...LOTS OF STRESS...mostly unnecessary, some brought on by myself, most brought on by outside forces...

It's a new week, and I have a recurring goal that I've been working on for many, MANY years. 
This one is pretty old (and EXTREMELY repetitive), but since I haven’t truly accomplished it yet, I’m sticking with it until I do.

1 frozen coffee drink

I just can’t seem to shake these dang frozen coffee drinks (frozen mochas, frappucinos). They are so good, and I have treated them as a reward for so long (years) that going without them almost feels like I’m punishing myself. Some mental blocks I'm discovering I have:

—I can’t go to Panera without almost ALWAYS getting a frozen mocha.

—I’ve only gone to a Starbucks and gotten a hot chocolate (or other NON-frozen coffee drink) only ONCE in the past few years…every other time, it’s a frozen coffee drink.

—When I know I can’t have a frozen coffee drink, I force myself to not leave the house…physically. I just sit there in the morning, waiting until at least 11, when I can go get a pop…

…..so…..see the problem? I’m having a really tough time mentally and emotionally getting rid of these hankerings.

But, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, right?

I had mine yesterday, so my next one won't be until next Sunday (I start my weeks on Sundays, and get one on the way to church when I go early to practice).

Also, I like giving a music/motivation Monday update...just music I like listening to, and a motivational quote to get me through the week!

Music: Um, it's the day after Christmas, but I DON'T CARE. I LOVE CHRISTMAS SO MUCH I WANT IT EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR! AND....right on cue, a snow plow goes by. 

One of my favorite Christmas songs, for the music AND the lyrics: Stevie Wonder's "What Christmas Means to Me"

This one always gets me going and makes me feel so happy!

Motivational quote:

Know that you can start late, look different, be uncertain, and still succeed.

Have a great end of the year!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Motivation/Music Monday

On Mondays, I like to put up a motivating quote and music I like to listen to.

However, my music library, especially for my workout playlists, is super old, and I don't really listen to it anymore. My poor iPod sits in my desk drawer because I never listen to the music on it anymore!

Let's get to it.


~Today will never come again. Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. Let your words heal, and not wound.~


.....um.....any suggestions? Preferably for workout playlists?

I also thought I would put a quote about grief here, as sometimes, it's hard for me to explain how I'm feeling about losing my mom...

~A part of me is gone forever. A part of you will live forever inside of me.~

Until next time.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

New Goal Sunday

Good afternoon, all, and Happy Father’s Day!

It's New Goal Sunday, and my new goal is…well…finally new! 

I think I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY have this frozen coffee drink obsession under control. I’ve been struggling big time with this. Frozen coffee drinks (frappucinos, frozen mochas, etc…) are some of my “comfort foods” but these (and pop) are my biggest downfall for weight loss. After my mom passed, I would have one every day. As the months went on, I tried to cut back on them, but would always create an excuse every morning to drink one anyways. Here’s an example:

Sunday: I get one every Sunday…that’s my choice. I take it while I practice at church.

Monday: Okay, I don’t need one today. Although, it’s Monday…and I hate Mondays…so I’ll get one.

Tuesday: You know, I didn’t sleep well last night. Maybe a caffeine jolt would help me…time for a frozen coffee drink.

Wednesday: I’ve got to substitute teach today…I will DEFINITELY need a frozen drink.

Thursday: Maybe today I actually won’t get one (and I usually don’t).

Friday: I made it through the week and it’s Friday! I’m getting one!

Saturday: I’m going to go to church and practice…I’ll need one of those.

See what I mean? I could make up any excuse, and my poor willpower would vanish in a second.

But now I think I FINALLY have it under control. I go on Sundays and that’s it.

So, the NEW part of my goal is to get to the gym one time this week to do some cardio, which will most likely be the treadmill. If you’ve never seen me on the elliptical…well, it's bad. Let’s just say, I tried it once, and sweated my butt off until sweat was dripping off my nose and face. All I could think was, “You go, girl! Way to get a nice, long, cardio workout!” I looked down at the machine…5 MINUTES. That was it. It was so embarrassing…

Have a great week!