Sunday, October 25, 2015

New Goal Sunday

It's New Goal Sunday, and today is a new day just like any other. I've found as I go through this journey that I have trouble focusing on one day at a time. For example, it's only Sunday, and I'm already thinking about my whole week...what I'll eat, when, where, if I will have the money to go out if necessary, etc... That is a large problem I am currently working on. I actually have written on my goal board (beneath my goal) "Take it one day at a time--you can do this!"

HOWEVER (there's always two sides, isn't there?), as a musician, I feel that I cannot and do not have this luxury of taking life one day at a time. This year has been extremely busy for me, with 6 musicals year-round, church (including church choir and soloists for the big 150th anniversary celebration), a new accompanying gig, and long-term subbing. For me to think one day at a time is impossible. This past spring, I was asked by a dear friend if I would be available all summer to play in multiple musicals. If I had only thought of one day at a time, my response most likely would have been, "Right now, I'm not sure. Let me get closer to summer and I'll let you know." Musicians in my hometown are in high demand, especially accompanists, so people book musicians as early in advance as possible. If I said "no" to everything until I got closer to the actual performance time, people would go searching for someone who WILL say yes when they need them. As a consequence, I constantly think long-term, meaning anywhere from tomorrow to one year down the road.

Now I'll move onto this week's goal. It's from my doctor, who is helping me take small steps to reach my (as she puts it, 'ridiculous') goals.


I've been working on this particular goal for 5 months now, and I can't seem to break my habit of drinking regular pop (mostly Coke, but occasionally Pepsi). My doctor told me to pour out 40 teaspoons of sugar onto a piece of wax paper, take a picture, and put it somewhere where I will see it everyday as a reminder of what I was putting into my body daily when I drank multiple regular pops a day. That picture will be up here at the end of the week.

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sparkpeople's 21 Day New? Member Challenge

It's officially day 30-something of my 21 day new member challenge that I found on Sparkpeople. Clearly, I've lost track. It doesn't help when you're starting the challenge and all of a sudden, your computer craps out on you. I took it to an Apple store as soon as I could and found out it *WASN'T* my battery, like I thought (my screen does say "Service Battery" constantly, but my hard drive had to be "rebooted"? or "repaired"? You techies know better than I do. All I know is I waited a while, the guy "ran tests" on it, and handed it back saying it's fixed. So, I finished Day 5 of the challenge, and now I'm picking up on day 6.

I'm learning so much about myself each and every day. Like...I dread going to the gym, but once I'm there, I'm...ok...but when I leave, I am on an emotional high. No one can touch me (could be because I stink, too...  :(  ). Or...I eat GREAT breakfasts, but then I get hungry and either chow down at lunch big-time or devour unhealthy snacks like there's no tomorrow. (Can you say LACK OF willpower?) Or what I have FINALLY gone over to the "dark side" and gone from drinking regular pop to diet pop (Diet Mountain Dew ONLY, blech Diet Pepsi/Coke), via doctor's orders. Or what about the fact that I HATE ALL NUTS. CASHEWS, PEANUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS, WALNUTS, PISTACHIO NUTS, BRAZILIAN NUTS, YOU NAME IT--I HATE 'EM ALL. But I LOVE cashew butter. Like, I really want a spoonful now. It's just so good.

These new things I've learned a just a sampling of all I'm learning about myself, and I am truly loving every minute of it! Hope to see/hear from you more, Sparkers/blog readers!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hey, I remember this.

Yowza. Where on God's green acres did the time go?

The reason I am back here is because I have a LOT of changes happening in my life, and I wanted to share them here since I haven't done a good job of updating social media.

Last time you heard from me, I believe, was December of last year (2014), and I was doing...stuff....yeah...I'll be honest, I haven't looked at my blog since then.

OK, I'll start here: It's been over a year since my uncle died, and I can't believe it. This year has gone by so fast! I know Uncle is still here because, well, he won't leave us alone.

Signs that Uncle won't LEAVE US ALONE:

  • the rainbow that appeared in the sky 24 hours after he passed
  • when Father and I were wondering if he could hear us talking about him, I looked up at the clouds and visible in the sunroof of our car was one cloud--a heart
  • Uncle's stuff pops up everywhere, like the restaurant names he had come up with in notebooks I use when I'm teaching
  • On Brother's b-day, he showed up not just to me, but to Mother and Brother at the restaurant in Tremont we went to (this one deserves some explaining--I was in line at a cafeteria-style fancy restaurant when I looked to my left and there Uncle was, standing there, staring bug-eyed at the ENORMOUS amount of food at this restaurant. I heard him say, "Wassuuuuupp??" [one of his favorite catch-phrases] and then disappear. I couldn't believe it but knew I was struggling with grief and that it wasn't real. The family sat down at the table with dinner and Mother said, "Did anyone else feel or hear or see-?" Brother immediately answers "Yes. I saw him in line. He was laughing." I told my story, and Mother said the lady at the main dish line asked what she wanted, and she heard Uncle behind her say, "I'll take one of everything!" and then laugh. I knew then it had to be real.)
  • A dear friend of Uncle's left a solar Santa light at his gravesite. It lights up at night so Uncle never has to sleep in the dark. We took it home until next Christmas (this year!) and every night that it lights up, we know Uncle is here with us.
  • Beatles songs playing wherever we go, some normally in places that would never play Beatles songs. (Uncle was a MASSIVE Beatles fan--at the concert of '64 in Cleveland, he charged the stage with the rest of the audience and ALMOST touched John Lennon's BOOT).

So, yes, he is still here and won't go away, but I am totally A-okay with that.

Next. My jobS.

Wow. What a whirlwind summer. I'll back up to get you seeing what I was seeing before summer started. February-June was a long-term substitute teaching position at my elementary, middle, and high schools. I started my day at the "intermediate" building, teaching 2/3-5 graders general music (singing, moving, dancing, playing instruments, etc...). Then, I went to the middle school building to teach grade 7 band students. Finally, I ended my day at the high school teaching concert band (9-12 grade). Know right now that I am NOT a band person. Or at least, I didn't THINK I was. But somehow I managed to get through the year using all of the information I learned in college (including those seemingly endless resource guides that saved my butt quite often) and help from people on the web (Facebook friends/college colleagues) and YouTube videos. And personally, I think I did a darn good job walking into a sticky situation like I walked into. I made the best of it and truly enjoyed every minute of teaching every grade level.

In March, a colleague and dear friend of mine--who I had worked with on one musical last year (I was keyboard 2 in the pit)--asked if I would like to be involved in 2 musicals this summer, but this time as rehearsal accompanist instead of just playing in the pit. Heck yes!! Musicals are one of my FAVORITE things to do! I agreed. But gets better.

When the school year ended, I realized that the job(s) I had held teaching in multiple buildings were open (!), but unfortunately, they were only open to "internal applicants", and I was not one of those. OK....then, the high school choral director position opened up to anyone. *GASP* Perfect! I went for it and got an interview. I did my best and gave it my all at the interview, but did not get the job. I have to admit: I was heartbroken. After crying my eyes out for a few days, I was finally able to pick myself up. I got asked by a few people: Why are you so sad? It's just one job. Look for more! But here's the thing, people. I've been "looking for more" for the past 3 years, and it seems that every person out there deems me not worthy for a teaching job. I've applied to over 100 school jobs around Ohio, and still no one has even given me a chance. More than anything, I want a chance. Or at least I want to know when my chance will come, because I feel like there's got to be something great for me out there. I'm frustrated and tired of looking and tired of life. At this point.

The day after I found out I didn't get the job I interviewed for, work started picking up for me. I had the two musicals this summer, then I got booked for another musical for the fall and two other theaters asked for me for their fall musicals. I said no to the other two theatres (no time!) but accepted a job as accompanist for a third total musical.

Lost count? So far, I've played for 5 musicals in 2015. Phew!

My summer was "musical mania". I started at the first musical theatre company (a professional company made of up college age and just beyond actors and actresses who were either getting their musical theatre bachelors or masters degrees). I worked there nearly every weekday from 9-4/5 playing "West Side Story" music. Then, I drove home, grabbed dinner, and went to our local state theatre for musical number 2 rehearsal from 6:30-10 (community theatre), playing "Into the Woods". Then, on Sundays, I had rehearsal from 3-7 for musical number 2. What a busy summer, but I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I love performing--it's my true passion and what I originally wanted to do when I went to college. So, playing/performing everyday? Cool beans.

During the first musical rehearsals, I was asked to accompany (REHEARSALS ONLY) another musical at the same playhouse. YES!! "Footloose"!!! All AMAZING experiences!

After the final musical--and summer--ended, I looked back on my past few months and felt a sense of complete bliss and happiness that I haven't felt in a long time. I wanted that feeling to continue, and now, as of the end of September, it still has!

I went to a production meeting for my fall musical ("25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee") and found out I'm not just accompanying the show, I am the music director (hello "promotion")! I not only play the music, but now teach all of it! I sat in on auditions and gave my input on cast selection. Then, before I knew it, rehearsals started. This is a truly amazing learning experience as I view and experience the "behind the scenes" of musical theatre and see just how much work goes into a successful show. As I tell my parents, I am keeping my eyes--and mind--wide open and absorbing everything I can while I have these opportunities.

On top of that, I've been booked as music director (woot!) for another musical at the local community/professional theatre that did "Into the Woods" for their winter musical! And I might have another musical coming up in March of 2016!

Hold on, I gotta catch my breath. Oh, and did I mention that I will be going to my first meeting of a local piano guild?!?! AND I am now the accompanist for a local community chorus!!

OK, I think that's everything. For now. So, to say I'm unhappy with life is not possible. I am blissfully happy and don't want this feeling to end.

OK, ok, weight loss. Weight loss. That's what this blog is all about. Ok, umm...I got a new doctor who is very supportive. She has given me goals to work on, including switching to all-diet pop (I knew the day would come), eating out only 2x/wk, and walking 30 mins 3-4 times a week. I'm working on those now as well as others. So, since tomorrow will be New Goal Sunday, I thought I'd get a head start and post my goals today. Currently, I have four:

1.) Switch to all-diet pop.

2.) Get 8 hours of sleep daily.

3.) Track all food everyday (the doctor wants to see my food journal at my two-month check-up).

4.) Get in 2 morning workouts.

My two month check-up is in about 2 weeks--wish me luck!